
♥It's The Thought That Counts..

Friday, September 18, 2009

Erhem..someone's turning 21 soon..

Last year my sis asked me what I wanted for my birthday so I asked her for "A Little Bit Longer" & "Jonas Brothers" (these "" are albums) by the Jonas Brothers. Which she gave me..including the receipt XD

*basket* ==,

This year, since she didn't say anything so yours truly, "volunteered"..

Me: Kakak! This year for my birthday I want SS501 Solo Collection Album DVD.
Sis: I'm not buying anything for you this year.
Me: It's okay..ever heard of the phrase "It's the thought that counts"? Just think about it..don't need to buy..

*At this point of time my sis had no reaction but next to me my mum burst into laughter till she cried XD Not bad arh my mum's sense of humour..atleast someone laughs at me when I'm trying to be funny XD*

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@5:59 PM

♥Park Jung Min.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Important note: The following entry is purely my opinion and what I see in my eyes. I do not personally know him. (I mean duh. I never even met him before =.=)

Why do you keep making me more and more attracted to you??? WHY??? WHY?? TELL ME WHY???

Why do you seem so perfect in my eyes?? Well actually the only so-called weakness I see in you is that you're soft (girly). And the best part is, this weakness was the first thing that attracted me to you. Yes.

I, Hariani Hardi hereby declare that the first thing EVER that attracted me to Park Jung Min - ssi of Double S Oh Gong Il (SS501) was his "girlyness".

I'm straight okay.

Anyway, yes. Your behaviour..the fact that you are a little girly. Honestly, my first impression after doing research on you:


Don't believe ask my friends..(the observant ones) coz it was my msn nick for quite sometime.

Then I went to read up on you on wikipedia, find more pics of you, watched videos of you on youtube..that's how I learnt more about you..and each new video I watch of you makes me love you even more..


Don't worry I know he's a dream world husband but he keeps me busy so I'm happily single in the real world :D

YOU. As what I told my mum, YOU are a BALL =x Why? Coz you're sweet and caring, yet you're evil =x

Your famous smirk is damn powerfully evil SMEXY!!

But when I said you're evil I was referring to how you always start fighting with HyungJoon Magnae =x

And when I say you're sweet and caring, I was referring to how you treat your fans. You actually bother to learn other people's language..HOW SWEET ARE YOU MAN??

Ignore the manager..give your attention to Jungmin and listen to his "Apa Khabar" (Which means "How Are You" in malay) + the hand gesture once they reached Kota Kinabalu :)

You have high expectation of yourself. Even if you can do something you keep saying you cant..I guess coz your expectation of yourself is high..which is good..coz you'll always work hard to be better :D

In photos you look sweet and innocent..but when I watched TFWUU I realized your violent side which you claim you didn't know? LOL! It was hilarious seriously..even HyunJoong oppa got "Bitten by the Horse" XD

I find the fact that carrot is your favourite food really cute coz there's noone in my life / social circle who is such a health freak like influenced me a little coz I used to just eat what's nice. Now I keep reconsidering and finding alternatives.

I even wanted to try eating carrot but gladly, I asked my mum for A carrot since beginning of August and she still hasn't bought any..*heng* I think eating carrot would be like fear factor for me =x

Hmm..what else..

Your behaviour is kinda girly at times but you laugh like a man like seriously "BAHAHAH!!" those kind..and your voice is the lowest in SS501.

So basically I explained why I described you as a ball. You're sweet and caring yet evil, you look innocent but you're really violent, you're a little girly yet you're super manly. Basically opposite're really one of a kind.

I hereby confess I like you because..well like I said,
1. You're really pretty.
2. Your character is one of a kind.
3. Your voice melts my heart.
4. Your sense of humor is so one of a kind, there were many times I almost fell off the chair laughing..or maybe I get excited too easily..that I'm not sure =x
5. You're a real awesome role model for two main reasons.
- You're a health freak.
- You set high expectations for yourself in order to be the best.
6. You're sweet, caring and considerate. You never forget your fans. You're always smiling to them..well either that or you act cute with your lovely, famous pout =p You bother to learn other people's language in order to interact with them.
7. You're a sweet, kind soul.
8. You manage your finance well..another reason for being a great role model..usually superstars with big bucks would happily spend but you keep thinking of your future..the time when you didn't allow HyunJoong oppa to buy an expensive souvenir from America was hilarious =x You were like a mum telling the child "NO.." XD But I'm sure he appreciates you for helping him save money =p
9. Your facial expression rocks and you can act any character well :D
Well atleast the ones I've seen so far..especially during the fan meeting when a fan asks if SS501 watches porn and you act blur & innocent saying "What is that? Porn?" XD
10. You're an awesome dancer and I love your figure. You know how some girls like muscular I love YOUR figure :D
11. You are what I call "My Super Smexy Charismatic And Humourous Mal" =x
12. Saranghaeyo, saranghaeyo, saranghaeyo.

K my head just went blank..apparently out of a million and 1 reasons I had on why I like you so much, only 11 came out ==,

He should scream at the end..the way he did at the Japanese Cemetery..then more real :D


Oppa..sing more English songs..your bass voice for this song is distinct..seriously melted my heart..I even applaud at the end of the song =.=

I guess I'm easily amused O.O


Watch "my man" dance to Lee Hyori's "Get Ya"..Lee Hyori is a girl so he danced like that..HE IS NOT GAY!! Call him gay and I'll disown you..

Around 0:34 someone else makes a grand entrance and start doing his thing till the end of the video..that middle man's name is Kim Kyu Jong..should I elaborate on him? =p

*if you guys didn't laugh at Kyu Jong oppa's dance, I think I seriously need some medication for being too easily amused o.o So please tell me you laughed and mean it =x*

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@3:29 AM

♥Total Opposites.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

K my mood these days has been like a roller coaster but most of the time I'm happy and high coz.. *cough* self-entertainment related to *cough* Double S Oh Gong Il or in short, SS501 :D

Let's talk about the negative side first la hoh.

My sis just shouted at me. It didn't really affect me..maybe about 10%?

You know why she shouted at me? Coz I was skipping and I guess it caused a mini earthquake in her dream world (she was sleeping) so she shouted at me.

I looked at my mum, my mum looked at me then she told me to stop skipping. So I kept the skipping rope and asked her "Why? Is it coz of the vibration or the sound?" Then she said "I dunno I never hear / feel anything".

Ah..light sleeper.

So this entry is about total opposites.

Me vs Elder Sister.

Elder sister:
Small, pretty, short, perfect smile, perfect eyesight, straight hair, white teeth.

Huge, ugly, err..2nd tallest in my family but still short in the society, many gaps between my teeth (which is why I don't show my teeth in photos coz it's annoying), I wear specs (this is my fault coz for some reason I am so afraid to poke contact lens into my eyes ==,), curly hair, I brush my teeth 4 times a day with Colgate but it's still yellowish..I don't smoke leh..must be some wrong food =.=


Elder sis:
Super light sleeper. To wake her up, simply open the door. Good enough. If not, switch on the light. If not, just walk in the room. If not, talk to yourself. CONFIRM she will wake up.

Heavy sleeper. Maybe super heavy..not sure..but not as heavy as Hyun Joong =x Switch on the light and I'll have no reaction. Sing. I won't hear. Earthquake. I'd probably die in my sleep. To wake me up: Handphone alarm blasted at the maximum volume. Either that or my mum hits me =x

Like that called sisters arh?? So opposite ==,

Enough of that. So here I am sitting here thinking what to do..cannot skip, later she shout. Cannot run / dance, she will still feel the vibration..I know I'm heavy la =.=

Omo!![This means Oh My God in's much shorter don't you think? =p] A Song Calling For You is playing..brb..

*dances* =x

K back =p

Hmm..on to the happy story?

Some Malaysian fans shared their experience meeting SS501..awesome..really happy for them..some shared pics.. ARGH!!! JUNGMIN IS SO CUTE!! :D Alot of people say that his bangs are distracting XD

I first I hated his bangs..maybe coz I keep seeing it part in the centre so this cute hottie horsey Sexy Charisma Mal looks like a geek ==, But when his bangs don't part at the wrong places, he looks like a cute little boy! *he's one year older than me btw*

Pic taken from Quainte501. 5 SUPER HOT TALL DUDES :D

You can see all 5 of them in this video..the front dude is the manager.

"No picture..please no picture" X =.=

Listen to the background at the first second Jungmin says "Apa Khabar~" (With the greeting gesture XD) Not caught in this video was him saying "Jumpa lagi..terima kasih.." and "Sayang"

OH MY GOODNESS LA!! The fact that he prepared himself for the trip to Malaysia by learning Malay is like..*faint*

Dude seriously you are so sweet and thoughtful, I'm at a lost of words for you. You're amazing! Know how to make people happy =p

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@10:48 PM


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September is an awesome month. Seriously. It's like that every year =x

What's so special about September 2009??

*coughs* Today ladies and gentlemen, is my first month with Park Jung Min..

*lol! anyhow*

I think only Tan Family will understand la..I changed my husband from Lee Min Ho to Park Jung Min on 2nd August 09 so today so called 1 month la. Which also means I have been going nuts for SS501 for a month now. My goodness. How time flies o.o

That's 1. 2.September is awesome because SS501 IS SO NEAR US!!!

They're at Malaysia now :D Reached Kota Kinabalu for a DVD Photoshoot thingy on 31stAug09. Leader HyunJoong requested to have fanmeeting at KL since they had to transit there before going back to Korea.

That fanmeeting, ladies and gentleman, will be tomorrow, 3rdSept09.

"SS501 will arrive from Kota Kinabalu at KLIA at 1:10pm via MH 2605 on Sept. 3, 2009"

Their fanmeeting (actually it's just autograph session & handshake but still means alot la!) will be at One World Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, 6pm.

Everything related to SS501's activities that I typed up there are from Quainte501 :D

I love SS501..they're so thoughtful..reading Kyu Jong's note on their webby made my day..he call his fans "cuties" LOL! They really know how to make people happy arh..malay say "tau ambil hati orang" =p

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@11:31 PM

♥ Fav. Entry.. ♥

Saranghae Jung Mal ♥

♥ Chonun.. ♥

♥Yani Imnida..full name, Hariani.
♥Singaporean strongly hit by the
Korean Wave..

♥Currently Fangirling SS501
[Pronounced as Double S 501] :D

♥ Saranghae Double S OPPAs!! :D ♥

♥ Passion.. ♥

♥ Dance.
♥ Sing.
♥ Photography.
♥ Language.

♥ Wants.. ♥


♥ Lyrics.. ♥




♥ Comments.. ♥

♥ Links.. ♥


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