
Thursday, April 30, 2009

To-do list of the day:

Decide Wolverine time. - Decided.

We're going for the 5.50pm show at Iluma's FilmGarde..ha..excited as hell! :D

Slept at about 6am today..watched tv and the last show I watched was Whose Line Is It Anyway on StarWorld..I was laughing my ass off till my mum woke up o.o

Wayne had to hypnotize using his butt so he kept shaking his bon bon till Colin grabbed and his facial expression was priceless..he looked so uncomfortable but it was hilarious =x

Wolverine tomorrow..yeehaw!

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@9:48 PM

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

So I was watching Beauty and the Geek from 3am to about 3.50am like I do everyday. It was either on AXN or Star World. I know it is rather outdated as the one I'm talking about is actually Beauty and the Geek Season 4. Today was the last episode..America decides the winner.

As much as I think Sam Horrigan is a hottie..(weird one at that..he shaves and grooms himself alot o.o), I still prefer Jasmine & David to win coz she seems so blur but she's cute =x (I'm straight. No worries.)

And in the end Jasmine & David did win. I slept with a wide smile on my face :D

Once again, I wrote a to-do list before I went to bed.

1. Do Jonas handphone theme.
2. KK Admin.

1. I didn't do the Jonas handphone theme. Instead I just downloaded =x Those online people did an awesome job..why not? =x

2. I don't think I applied for that job..they said experienced preferred =/

My posts are starting to get really boring =(

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@9:40 PM

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

See the problem with me is I think too much. I know it's a problem. I can't seem to change myself.

So after someone told me something, I got so mad and furious, I hated that person. To the extend that I'm assuming everything the person said is a lie.

Honestly, I don't know what to believe and what not to. I hope you understand..all I'm trying to say is that I'm a sensitive soul. I'm sorry. I know it's my fault. It's my weakness but it hurts when you lie and I had to find out from someone else that you lied to me. And it's not just once. It hurts more coz if the other person didn't tell me, I would continue being a fool who believes you 100%.

I felt guilty when you kept saying "K fine nevermind..don't believe me.."

It's not that I don't want to trust's a kind of phobia coz I don't want it to repeat. Guess what? It happened again which is why I'm totally mad but I'm sure you don't know that.

Before I went to bed this morning I wrote a blog note in my phone.

"It's not your fault. I'm truly upset and disappointed with myself for being ever so stupid to have believed everything you said. P/s: Don't blame the other person coz if not for the person, I'll hate myself even more."

"Do you honestly expect me to believe we could ever be the same.."

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@9:16 PM

Monday, April 27, 2009

Made a to-do list before I went to bed this morning.

Activities include making a Jonas Brothers Handphone Theme & Exercising..

I did the exercising but once I moved on to make the handphone theme, I got kind of stuck. The web has changed abit..I guess I didn't log in for too first introduced by Law one fine night on our way home after band, in 969..ah..ancient year 1 memories..

Besides that I was also preparing myself to watch Xmen Origins: Wolverine with Josh & Nick. We're planning to go on 1st May :D We asked Aaron along too but he claimed he's watched it.

Fyi, it premieres in Singapore on 29th April 2009 and look at today's date. Maybe he's got special sneak peek..lucky him.

So the tentative plan is to watch at Iluma's FilmGarde coz the tix is $6 each? Why not? :D

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@8:53 PM

♥To Kill A Mockingbird.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Firstly, HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY to Legendary Ancient Chicken Adam Chew Beng Aik who is currently going through his botak, muscle-building, torture-in-the-jungle part of his life. I think =x

In short, NS.

That was a lot shorter! =x

Secondly, Channel 5 played X2: X-men United today..YEAY!! ^^v. I watched before but for some reason I don't remember seeing Jean die..hmm..

Thirdly, Star Awards was on Channel 8 today..I only watched the top 10 Guys and Girls..yeay got Elvin Ng, Christopher Lee and Tay Ping Hui! Christoper Lee looked weird o.o I guess that's what people call fashion :D

That's all about today..I was clearing my youtube inbox..replies to my comments on some videos..check it out :D

iOwnAtSoccer (4 days ago)
I hate camilla. Make fun of her all you want.

StillBSB (2 days ago)
yea I agree with you iOwnAtSoccer

I hated the fact that she's dating joe..I hate her more coz eversince they dated, joe doesn't treat fans like he used to..he used to entertain them now he ignores them =(((((((((

mileymandyroxx94 (18 hours ago)

lmao nice vid.

MechMusicAsylum (13 hours ago)
StillBSB- Amen to that. Joe is so different now, it's like, ugh, ya know.

This is the video we're talking about XD.

My boys posted another hilarious video today XD


I LOVE THEM!! Cant wait for the show to premiere on Disney Channel Asia :D

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@11:49 PM

♥Brotherly Love.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Brotherly love people. Brotherly love.

I missed Joe a hell think he went out with Nick behind my back. !@#$%^&*

I'm glad I was thinking of Nick..if not I'd have no idea =/

So went to collect my graduation gown today. Aaron claims he'll laugh his ass of if he sees..this part I'm not sure..either me or Raz wearing that gown..I think he'll laugh at Raz. I'm assuming based on the fact that those two are always fighting so yah.

I feel so weird coz my gown keeps opening up but the person says it's meant to open up and hence, 1 button only. I like the feeling of wearing it though. Makes me feel like WOAH..

But it's just a Diploma =x Not even University..chey..

And since I'm not going to University, this is my second biggest day of my life..that is if I ever get married. If I don't then this is the biggest day of my entire life. :D

I would love for it to be as perfect as possible. Like taking pics with my loved ones while wearing the gown..aww..dunno they got break or would be even more perfect if he could come but I doubt he will.

They were also promoting certificate plaques and a Graduation Bear..SO TEMPTING!!! And the bear is so cute!!

CUTE RIGHT?? My goodness!!!

I took the pics of all the frames but I'm not gonna post..wanna see them go here. Official website :D

Ouh. Sherry owes me an ice cream for being late. Then I smsed her that if she reaches 2.30pm onwards, she'll owe me an ice cream AND a bubble tea. (Coz I was craving..heh! =x) Guess what time she reached.


Lucky ass =x

After sharing laughters and auntiness we + her Raymand headed to Tampines Inter..thought wanna have lunch skali Nick called saying she and Joe bought tix for 17 Again - 4.35pm slot.

So I missed lunch and went over to Plaza Singapura and meet my brothers :D Watched 17 Again..woohoo!! I now declare that I do not hate the people who watched 17 Again anymore :D

The movie was awesome! :D Matthew Perry didn't in his movements..loved him since "FRIENDS" days =p

After that we went to meet Dewi then went to Causeway Point to accompany Joe to finish some school work then homed.

Didn't take photo..psh! When Joe said he'd be moving to the states in 3 years my heart was like "crack!~" But I didn't show..I kept my cool but the little voice in me was practically screaming "WHAAAATTT??? NOOOO YOU CANT GO..HOW CAN I LOSE SUCH A FRIEND??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

Haiz. Emo le =(((

We have got to take pics one fine day man =(((

Free gift for taking the escalator =x


Thanx Nick!!! I owe you 5 bucks haha =x

Fyi, Nick = Hartini. Joe = Hyekel. Kevin = Hariani :D

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@10:25 PM

♥That boy..

Friday, April 24, 2009

Eyy I'm bored.

Shall post random stuff coz if you ask me what I did today, it's non other than Facebook - Uno, Rock Legends, Restaurant City, Uno, Rock Legends, Uno and the list goes on.

I'm still obsessed with Jonas Brothers' upcoming album: Lines, Vines & Trying Times photos so it's all over my msn and desktop background so I told a friend to make me happy..

LOL! said 3 guys hot XD

Then I was still bored so..

He couldn't see what it said at it says "JOSHUA!!" =/ My masterpiece too chim =(

And that basket saved the screenshot as 'so not hot' =.="'

Told you it's all over my msn =D

An update from facebook, Newboyz Guitarist Afiez posted a pic of him and gf..a newboyz fan..haha! Lucky her :D And so I commented and he replied XD

Haha! You wanna see the pic, self service..happy hunting =D


I love this boy!! Haha! Funny background song XD And he did it in a certain number of trials whereby that number is my favourite number..aww XD

Watched American Idol last night..I didn't know Archie was gonna perform XD Just realised he uploaded a video yesterday..

Which reminds me of a video which I made a joke out of it =x

I told Tini he probably did this video coz he was alone and he was scared of know..stuff.. =x So he probably did it to distract himself & update the fans..kill two birds with one stone =p If you noticed, he turned back at one point..hoho =x And he did mention "it's kind of creepy down here"..

I know I made fun of him and stuff but I love him..he's so cute! And I know he's two years younger than me..bleagh! !@#$%^&*

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@9:55 PM

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sent in my 7th Job Application today.

I gotta work harder man..

Anyway, nothing else to say..


LOL! I was thinking of dinner and I kept forgetting to "Say Uno" when I got 1 card left ==,

I'm telling you..internet is so not safe for children =.=

Just incase you dont get the purpose of the screenshot, I'll zoom in for ya..


Even if I was a bitch I don't think I would tell it to him? I don't know..if you do it, would you tell a stranger? I never thought of it coz..well I rather do other stuff than think too much on that side.

Like think of's way better than thinking about those stuff..buat dosa je.. (to directly translate those 3 words: make sin only).

Btw that guy is from India..18 years old..after that he asked me where is the gspot so I told him to do his own research =x

Ish! Kids these goodness..after that game I didn't play Uno..maybe I'll continue tomorrow..hopefully I won't bump into such dirty people anymore =/

All I wanted was a clean game of Uno XD CLEAN! =x

Ouh and by the way, I am anti pre-marital sex so yah. Cheerio!~

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@9:05 PM

♥Cannot tahan..

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Sorry..something's been bothering me the whole of today..I just had to let it out..

Last night was TP Band's Year 3 Farewell Party..some of us were called to give a speech..aside from Raz's memorable 4-word speech of "Thank you. Thank you.", Shirlene called out my name too but I just said no.

Coz I'm still the same old me who don't like to stand in front of a group of people staring right at you and paying attention to you..unless they are people I'm comfortable with.

So now I'm gonna say what I have in can refer to it as my speech if you want to. I have to warn you that what I'm gonna type below may be rather negative.

This 3 years has been a great experience for me. What motivated me to come band was the fact that I wanna keep blowing my sax and also the great friends I have made via band.

It all started back in 2006. It started from my section. I had an amazing section back in 2006. With just one senior named Conan, the freshies practically conquered the section.

Back in those days, saxophone, bassoon and horn was 1 section under Sax SL Conan. Only coz there was only one hornist named Jerome and one bassoonist named Matthew.

As for the saxes, we had the whiner Nicholas Soh Qian Hao..he always whines but we still love him..

Then we have the pretty J-Rock inspired Judith Tan Wenying who is able to play sax in a jazzy way.

Then we have the ever bubbly, cute and funny Jolene Tan who has the power to play the sax even when the instrument is actually spoilt o.O

Olivia Tan was one very quiet girl..atleast at first she was quiet..Jolene successfully influenced her till she turned as crazy as Jolene =x

Tan Nur Hanna Bte Farid was the'll always see her with books..there was one time she walked in the band room with a whole stack of books she just borrowed from TP Library I'm like WHAAA??? O.O

Eden Wee Guan Pu was a guy with a unique personality..very helpful and encouraging..

TP Sax 06 had a really tight bond..prove? During sectionals, we always had our very own Ice Cream break where we'll just walk up to the Ice Cream machine outside band room, sit or stand together and eat..during sectionals..

But aside from all the wonderful memories, the one that totally owns was during Lantern Festival.

The band prac planned for the day was as per normal the saxes was with Hornist Jerome and Bassoonist Matthew. At about 8pm or so we self-declared that Band is over for the day.

Took out our lanterns and sparkles and played around at our sectionals area. And then Jade came out..saw us playing..caught someone running across the road with a horn..someone else chasing after the person and she started screaming at us.

During debrief she told the band about us (I think..this part I'm not so sure) and through all these, Conan defended us..this is what I call true SL! :D

After that prac we went opposite school to have some candles and lantern fun..formed a heart shape with the candles, took pics and then named ourselves "Emo Rebelllion Hearts"

Conan graduated and Eden took over as Section Leader. Judith was our ASL. The 'ice cream break during sectionals' tradition was still carried day Eden smsed us something that was band-related and he called us poots. Then on we changed our name to "Emo Rebellion Poots".

A guy called Qi Zheng joined the section to complete our sound by playing Baritone sax. Jonathan Eng and Tang Lin were our freshies.

So 07 was our poot year..we've got
Nick as Nickpoot.
Judith as Judpoot.
Jonathan as Jonpoot.
Tang Lin as Tangpoot.
Jolene as Jopoot.
Olivia as Olipoot.
Hanna as Napoot.
Eden as Pupoot.
Hariani as Nipoot.
Qi Zheng as Qipoot.

By the end of the acad year, some of them had already left the section.

Was another year..our freshies were
Elaine Pang
Dalston Yong
Weelyn Oh
Liu Meng Hua
Tan Wenjie
Shi Yun
Mark Lim.

By the time these freshies came in, only Judith, Nick and I were the seniors left. Judith left after TP Band's Concert on 14th November 2008 Nick left earlier.

I was close to Dalston and Wenjie as I knew them even before they joined band..via AuditionSEA =x I knew Dalston and Doreen thanks to Weiyang aka toismir and I knew Wenjie thanks to Jian Quan aka bladeterror.

By this time TPSax was only left with Meng Hua, Weelyn, Mark and Shiyun..and me ofcourse. I'm not sure about Dalston and Elaine but Kazaf and Wenjie had officially left.

I tried to have some bond with the freshies but sometimes I just dont feel it and I totally blame myself for that so don't worry. TP Open House Performance this year..they went to get balloons and milo while waiting for our time to perform. I saw them leaving but I just watched and didn't follow coz I'm a paranoid person.

So eversince Judith, Wenjie and Dalston left, I felt like a loner for every band prac. I had no motivation to go band at all but I still went coz I couldn't give up blowing and I couldn't give up my Tan Family.

Tan Family consists of
Zhe Xing
Isaac Jie-si Prakash
Nina Karmiza
Wang Min.

These people are very lovely people..unique in their very own way..special in my heart. They're inseparable to me.

Uncle Zhe Xing was always full of philosophies and theories..he is very smart..if you need help in coding, go find him =x
Razanah like Joel says, is a floodgate..she is the one and only person in my life who cries each time she laughs o.o
Seehua is a very disciplined person..sometimes lame but lameness runs in the tp trombone blood =x
Isaac Jie-si Prakash is a hilarious, multi talented joker =x
Jerome is Isaac's "gay partner" but combining the two of them, you'll laugh you ass off till your stomach burst coz when he's with Isaac, be it when they sing, dance or crack jokes, they are just super hilarious.
Nina Karmiza is one unique, funny, bubbly, noisy girl =x
Aqidah is my long bus ride home partner. She majors in paparazzi and has a Bachelor in Stalking people =x
Jaclyn is super lame and a super FAST talker.
Aaron is an annoying..heh! Kidding =x He always act blur with his "huh? what happen?" phrase but he's one u can count on most of the time..unless he's sleeping.
Wang Min is crazy! =x Also known as newspaper girl..and zebra coz of her bag o.o

So since yesterday was TP Band's year 3 Farewell party, I guess it all ends here..although most of the time in my life I love people who dont love me, sometimes I dont really care. I love people not coz I want to be loved. I love people coz of who they are.

So I'm gonna end this off by saying, to the TP Saxophonists..
Baldwin - thanx for you guidance and encouragement even when you were at Manchester..our one and only Alumni who came back frequently back then..I still remember the first time I saw you, you were this cool looking guy wearing helmet and were on roller blades and when you reached the door of tpband room you had this cool pose on but you were just "braking" your blades.. I don't know what it's called =x Basically stop yourself from moving further.

Conan - where you MIA le?? Still busy with Fraquiline like you used to?

Nick - thanx for helping me out with sight reading and stuff :D
Judith - thanx for staying with me till year 3..J Rock all the way! =x
Jonathan - miss you la the band room less vulgar =/
Jolene - I miss you!! When can I get a hug?? Everytime I go sengkang I think of you..the times I used to go home with you..take 27 then you walk me to 161 busstop..there was one time it was raining, you still sent me to the busstop.. *touched*
Olivia - I MISS YOU VERY BADLY!!! Very long time no see le T_T
Hanna - wow! When was the last time I saw you? I hope you're doing fine :D
Eden - Guan Pu I MISS YOU!!! Thanx for buying me the sax clothes last time..and being patient while I slowly collected money to pay you back =x Sorry arh =x
Qi Zheng - wow! The last time I saw you was during NBC! Miss you dude..hope you're doing fine :D

To the current saxophonists, I'm sorry if I'm not a good senior to you..I know I'm useless sometimes la..really sorry..anyway I love you guys k..I'm just being honest but I was kind of upset that you guys didn't stay on for the farewell party..

I mean what's a farewell party when the section isn't even there? But I think we didn't have that bond to begin with so I guess it's okay..besides, maybe you guys had to rush home ma so it's okay :D I kept thinking about the fact that you guys weren't there the whole of last night and even the whole of today..

Even when I was at the chalet watching tv all by myself I keep thinking about it but I gotta move on right so I decided to write EVERYTHING (which explains the super long entry) so now I can move on :D

Comparing to the time when I was a tenor saxophonist @ wgssband, I had no one to guide me through sight reading coz I was the only tenor saxophonist for the 4 years coz Ridzwan and Nafiqa got transferred to Baritone Sax while my other juniors all quitted.

In Tpband I've got Eden, Jonathan and Mark so I wanna thank you guys for being my guide. Like when I get lost in a score, by listening to your playing, I can get back on track so thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Wanna thank Qinghui and Desmond for being part of the emo playground gang :D

Wanna thank TP Band for giving me opportunities I NEVER had such as performing at the Prison School..WOWZA!! Going for National Band Competition is another WOWZA!! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Last and most definitely not the least, to my beloved Tan Family..

You know when the sun forgets to shine
I'll be there to hold you through the night
We'll be running so fast we could fly tonight
I promise it will never be dark

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@11:59 PM

♥ Fav. Entry.. ♥

Saranghae Jung Mal ♥

♥ Chonun.. ♥

♥Yani Imnida..full name, Hariani.
♥Singaporean strongly hit by the
Korean Wave..

♥Currently Fangirling SS501
[Pronounced as Double S 501] :D

♥ Saranghae Double S OPPAs!! :D ♥

♥ Passion.. ♥

♥ Dance.
♥ Sing.
♥ Photography.
♥ Language.

♥ Wants.. ♥


♥ Lyrics.. ♥




♥ Comments.. ♥

♥ Links.. ♥


♥ History.. ♥

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