

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This sux..

Yesterday's 'Today' Paper said that the Healthcare Industry has alot of job vacancies that starts immediately..

Sounds exciting..I'm super free and simply rotting anyway..

And so I spent today surfing MOH site..most of the positions requires people with Masters, Degrees, Bachelors..

I'm like WHATTHEBUCK I don't even intend to go that high??

*salutes doctors*

Hmm..alot of available position, not qualified also pointless la right. I'm just a Diploma Holder..

K fine not holding yet..will be holding in May =x

Besides that went for more job hunting elsewhere..Air Traffic Controller..


Available Positions: 1.

LOL! My mum said no need coz when there's only 1 position available, it's like might as well dont waste your time and try.

==, If everyone has the same mindset as her, I'll be the luckiest ever coz I thought of going for it but..oh well.

Signed up for my dream job again..2nd time LOL! Kena reject still sign up..tsk!

This is called persevering :D

And the award for the Job With Most Vacancies Category goes to..



Suay. I have no students will D.I.E!! (6) Kidding =x

Ouh! And 2nd place goes to the Police Force..they need people so much that they sent snail mails to the fresh poly graduates..

Or atleast both me and Zhe Xing got it and my mum was like "Police is like.." *shakes head*

and I'm like "What? I know la I don't have 5 'O' level passes =.="

and she's like "No..not that.."

and I'm like "Kk fine..I know la..coz I'm fat right?"

and she's like "yah..normally they wont take overweight people.."

in my heart was like "thank you?"

Then again I didn't feel insulted. In fact, it's true..most job requires F.I.T people and I am OBVIOUSLY not F.I.T =(((((

I'm so excited with what I have planned for my life..It's a secret which I do not wish to broadcast but for my plan to actually work, step 1 is to get a job =x


Outing with Singaporean Jonas Brothers Fans..WOOO!!!

Tomorrow is April Fool's warned =x

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@8:58 PM

♥SAF Band Music Exchange!

Monday, March 30, 2009


Today was AWESOME!!!

It's the day when Temasek Polytechnic Concert Band meets Singapore Armed Forces Central Band.


I can honestly tell you I know noone there except Captain Yusri but it's just those 'see alot of times' kind..not the 'talk before' kind.. English =.=

Anyway yeah. To get to the point, I was late =x

So sorry =x I woke up at 5am and I was the 2nd last to reach =.= I think I should admit defeat to Aaron..he claims I take 2hours to get ready and my excuse is forever hair-related =.=

!@#$%^&* =x


Anyway when I reached school I saw a group of 'white-people' (band peeps) walking up to the buses so I just ran and called Aqidah coz Mark didn't pick up my calls..

Me: Which bus? Which bus?
Aqidah: The orange one.
Me: HUH? What orange one? There's only Yellow and white!
Aqidah: Ouh. The yellow one. Where are you?
Me: Outside the bus.
Aqidah: Where?
*Aqidah and Yani stares at each other*
Me: Is my section in the bus?
Aqidah: There..behind..
Me: Ok bye.
*hangs up and boards the bus*

And so I FINALLY know where the place is I'm like ==,

It's so near Woodlands, I wasted ALOT of time travelling..then again, nothing new..I probably spent 1/4 of my poly life travelling in busses =x

Ouh and our phone was photography..BOO!!! =(

Reached Nee Soon Camp. Reached SAF Building and we were all amazed by the Marching Band..atleast the people in the yellow bus were.

Placed our instruments and belongings in a room then went HQ Admin Room or something for a video display by the SAF people. Then went for the thing they called "White House Tour"..just toured the building la..

I was in group 2 and our leader was Keith..Jac's senior I think =x So he told us a little about the building..he talked about the sculpture of the guy playing the Bugle..made up of 3 people haha..funny story.

Their halls were named after I forgot who =x There was this hall that we used. Ervin Dragon Hall or something and Mark went "Dragon Hall E~" [probably inspired by Dragon Ball Z or something] LOL!

Ok the hall damn cool..damn big..damn ooh lala..cannot describe..super sound proof. Springy floors that Jac did a REALLY GOOD JOB proving the springy-ness =x

Hmm..after the tour set up instrument and went to the Dragon Hall. We played Folk Song Suite and Irish Tunes first then the SAF Band played err..I only remember Sea Songs? =x I forgot the other piece.

After that both bands combined.

This is the part I dont understand about myself. Since the 2 bands combined, it means the band size was damn big and hearing that SAF Tenor Sax guy play loud, I played loud too but back in TP Band, I would always hide under Mark's sound.

Argh. I hate myself! =.=

Anyway, yea during combine Captain Yusri thought us the difference between making music and just playing your instrument..communicating with the conductor la..listening to one another la..


Then lunch break then sectionals.

So SAF Band's Saxophone Section Leader is Jonathan and when he introduced himself Shiyun and Weelyn were laughing and he was like "Why?" and I'm like "OUH..I get it.." then Mark went "Oh coz our previous section leader was also Jonathan".. :D

Ate with the trombonists and went back to the room where our belongings were at and stoned.

1.30pm searched for my section. Sectionals till 3pm under Jonathan. Didn't play much. He was more like tutoring us..

AWESOME LA!! I always wanted a saxophone tutor! I wanted to improve..I know I suck =.=

The best thing was he went one by one so we know our strenghts and weaknesses la..

He emphasizes on getting the sound out from the bell and not just halfway etc..

He talks about it affects the sound ie muffled or not..biting..hard or it affects when you're tuning other notes that is not your tuning to flatten your sound (which I failed to do =x)..tonguing..

ALOT! I wish I had a book to take down all those stuff..he talked about the they were made much to bite a mouthpiece..ALOT LA!

Very super dee duper useful..gotta move on..cant continue talking about sectionals..I'm such a nag =x

After sectionals gathered at Dragon Hall TP Band and SAF Band exchanged gifts then we went to pack our instruments. Gathered at the Foyer for some photo sessions and back to school.

Yellow bus was SUPER QUIET! As quoted from Raz's blog "you can even hear a pin drop"..LOL! But went quiet when we were on the expressway coz while we were still at Yishun we were all grumbling for our phones..

You could hear people going "I want my phone!" "Wo de dian hua leh?" While me and Aqidah were chanting "HANDPHONE! HANDPHONE! HANDPHONE!" =x Not sure if Jac joined us..forgot =x

Back to school, keep instrument, debriefed, released. Went to the back and cleared my case.

Took all the reeds (it's not's for dont expect the future freshies to use my reed right?)..took my cloth..(this one is kiasu..coz my money so I take back =x)

Washed my mouthpiece for the last time..put back in the case. Kissed my hubby Yana goodbye and walked out of the band room. Was kind of quiet on the way home. The only thing I spoke to Aqidah in 161 was "What's rolling?" and "Bye".


Ouh that reminds me..SAF Sax SL also said about cleaning of instruments. Eg when buying 2nd hand instrument, feel the inside coz if people never clean properly, the layers of spit will form and that affects the if you touch inside and it feels rough, dont buy..not good =x

And when putting the neck in the instrument, dont twist just put and screw coz it will affect that part so yep.

This post is long enough..

Anything just login to facebook and go here for today's photos..

Just a sneak peak..

Unglam me..Ignatius looks weird =x

That SAF Guy is Jonathan, Saxophone Section Leader.

The Guy playing the Bugle statue..

Me caught hugging my Yana for the last time..


Saranghae Minnie Mal
@10:20 PM


Thursday, March 26, 2009

COOLIO! I'm one of the YES people =x

Lol! Ok anyway I'm here to share a joyful's been quite some time since I last felt life is kinda miserable right now but ANYWAY...

I had an AWESOME dream last night like..AWESOME..PURE, MAJOR AWESOME!!! =D

I dreamt of the Jonas Brothers =D

Firstly I have to warn you my dreams tend to be crappy and unlogic but here goes..

My dream started out with me being with the guys..we were in a vehicle..the 'bumpy-ness' of the ride felt like we were in a bus..then again, the chairs didn't look like we were in the bus..felt more like a Limo..

So imagine a limo..Nick and Joe were sitting at the back seat and Kevin and I were sitting on the side..I was nearest to the driver so the seating position was roughly like this.

    Kevin     Me.

Yea between me and Kevin was quite a gap coz I hadn't warm up yet..I don't usually sit close to a guy if I dunno them well..I know I'm weird and if that dream was real, I'm like the stupidest fool ever =x

So we were talking..bla bla..about the 3D Movie and stuff and I actually complained to them that we have to return the 3D Glasses after watching the movie =x But before I did I asked "Did you guys get to keep the 3D Glasses after watching the movie?" and Joe was like:

"Ofcourse.." he said something else which I forgot but what I cant forget was the way he spoke like so calm..expressive and it's as if he was engaged in the conversation we were having =x

Then we reached our looked like a prison.. o.O Felt insecure throughout though big rob and a few other security guards were there like directing us where to go.

The boys had gone in first..suddenly Aqidah enter frame LOL! So suddenly I was with her then the security guards told us where to go bla bla..

We walked and ended up at a Movie Theatre..LOL! What the buck?? Movie Theatre in the middle of a prison..a LARGE one at that..we entered from the was so large I could run all the way to the front and I was actually screaming away in was Aqidah =x

So glad the boys went ahead of us LOL! Paiseh only! =x Went in the theatre and it seemed that I know lots of the audience there..I saw Anisah and her family..LOL! Since when she like Jonas??

Whether they like Jonas or not didn't seem to bother me..I was too busy being psyched! Oh yea b4 alighting the Limo I asked if I get to sit with them in the movie and Kevin was like "Definitely.." sounding very gentlemanly =D

So we were facing Anisah's family which means the screen is behind us. Aqidah turned and told me that Jonas was at the row right infront of us so she just pulled me and we went over to the first row..she sat beside Joe and I sat beside her so it was like

*darkness* Nick, Kevin, Joe, Aqidah, Me.

I wasn't feeling confident coz I thought someone else was supposed to sit there but Aqidah confidently assured me coz Kevin said we could sit with them =x

So Joe didnt notice. Holding popcorn on his right hand, he suddenly stood up like he was going elsewhere and he was shocked to see me and Aqidah sitting there..

He said something like the place is reserved for someone else then Aqidah replied "but you guys said she (Hariani) could sit with you guys.."

Then I whacked her arm but she ignored me then Kevin hit Joe and mouthed "It's okay..let them.."

Then Joe just smiled and walked away to dunno do what la..

and then..

and then..

and then..










I woke up =.=

I still loved my dream though..coz it's JONAS! It definitely made me smile ear to ear when I woke up..gladly noone was in my room..if not they think I siao..haha..

I know it's unlogic okay..

Oh..about being in a Limo with them, I think I won a contest or something la =x

Here's the best part of all these..

Upon waking up with a wide smile on my face, I cant help but wonder.


Tini if you're here, tolong jawab sikit =x

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@5:15 PM

♥Think =x

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sometimes when you think deep enough, you'll see the answer..

For instance, a simple minded yani thinks $1000 per month okay what..atleast something..

A very supportive friend Aaron agrees and adds "Better than nothing.."



A non-simple minded Mum says "This is your cousin's previous job..later she say you study till diploma but do the same thing as her.."

My first reaction was "What?? You gotta be kidding image THAT important..are people's thoughts really important?? Atleast I'm earning HALAL money..earn money the right way..not gamble or do illegal stuff right?

Think deeper.

No deeper..


Ok fine. Deeperestestestestest..

1. $1000 per month is okay and definitely much better than nothing. But if everyone is as simple minded as me, noone would succeed right? I mean I think everyone wants to be rich..if a Diploma holder is SUPPOSED to earn a basic of $1800 per month and I'm earning $1000, each year I lose $9600.. How stupid is that??

2. The contradicting thing is that mum said dont be picky. Just take whatever you can. Hmm..I picked, you didn't like it o.O

3. Whatever job I'm gonna get now is just a temporary FULL Time Job. When my life has changed for the better and I have gone through enough training, I shall continue to chase my dream job..but erm..I'm giving myself 4 yrs..enough bo? =x Is 25 yrs old too old to catch my dream?? Comment at tagboard please thanx =x

4. I'm still thinking through things but apparently my brain is kinda clogged up with too many unhappiness..I NEED SPACE!!

5. I'm off..when I've thought of something else I shall update =x

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@5:41 PM


Monday, March 2, 2009

Have you ever believed that school work can make you sick literally?

Believe me..I was doing report this weekend. Yea I admit I took breaks by watching tv =x

I didn't sleep last night..I only napped for awhile before leaving home this a 10 minute nap which felt like 10secs?

Actually I didn't even want to take a nap but I had no choice coz I vomitted twice in an hour..LOL!

Chionging Report made me sick..ish!

Well who cares about it now..I dont need to go to school anymore except for band. :D

I hope I pass coz if not it's like damn wasted la k.. *prays*

I'm super hungry now..stomach empty, pocket empty..spent $12.90 on Reports o.o Lucky Marcus Ang and Marcus Chen gave me $6..I only had $4 and lucky Esther was still in school so borrowed $3.20 from her..based on my calculation theres probably a coin or two somewhere in my youtube pouch o.o

OH KAY!!! Buay tahan..damn hungry..stomach grumbling..we presented to 5 lecturers this morning. Mr Pua, Mr David, Ms Chiang, Mr Lim Kok Hwee and someone familiar whom I dunno his name =x

Lucky Mr Yeak Shaw Wen never come.. *phew*

Mr David was so funny la..coz the teacher whom I do not know his name asked where we went for SIP then Mr David pointed to Marcus Chen, Marcus Ang followed by me and went "OCBC, OCBC, OCBC" *pause* "I'm their LO" :D

Then all laugh..haha! so cute sia..I mean his behaviour..LOL!

Ouh well goodbye school life..student's gonna be a laptop died = no audition.

ARGH!! How to release stress like that =.=


But..I seriously wanna play games first leh =x


Saranghae Minnie Mal
@1:27 PM

♥ Fav. Entry.. ♥

Saranghae Jung Mal ♥

♥ Chonun.. ♥

♥Yani Imnida..full name, Hariani.
♥Singaporean strongly hit by the
Korean Wave..

♥Currently Fangirling SS501
[Pronounced as Double S 501] :D

♥ Saranghae Double S OPPAs!! :D ♥

♥ Passion.. ♥

♥ Dance.
♥ Sing.
♥ Photography.
♥ Language.

♥ Wants.. ♥


♥ Lyrics.. ♥




♥ Comments.. ♥

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