

Sunday, November 30, 2008

For some reason, I'm damn high today..apart from the fact that I slept like a pig..

My uncle's sms did wake me up at 09:12:21am but I immediately fell asleep after that and the next time I opened my eyes was..4.06pm (according to my handphone).


Gee I guess this is simply to pay all the hours of sleep that I didn't have during the weekdays =x

Not that I couldn't have them..I was busy semi tonning (via msn) with loved ones like Aqidah, Raz, Jaclyn and Aaron XD

Ok anyway today, honestly, nothing to say =x

Audition's NPCs still has bug..damn awesome..the NPCs can't hit "Perfect" so you're sure to win no matter how noob you me :D

Sodium's got 2 million plus but it's not for keeps la..need to donate to Fam so that it can expand so people like AaronT can join..haha..just kidding..not you alone =x

Heheh! Random =x


I felt so high that I made a last minute entry to the list of people going ELEMENTS Chalet..and I'm dragging Aaron along but apparently he dao me..that boy's probably too busy doing assignments..which I refused to help after he told me he got D for Eulogy !@#$%^&*

I'm never doing people's assignment ever! ==.

Hmm..ok nothing else..someone please remind me to bring my payslip to work tomorrow? If not I wont get my pay again ==,

Then again, what IS the real point of getting my pay when it's gonna get stuck in my bank account as SOME PEOPLE called FATHER don't wanna withdraw my $$ ==,

I owe my mum more than $300 already..sian ==,

It's my maternal grandpa (Abu Serah)'s Death's been

7 years

..but you are someone I will never forget..(unless I have dimentia or any other diseases that causes people to forget things).

Coz you are one of a kind..I still remember how much you love your you would make us durian rice and feed was awesome..

How you fetched me when I was in kindergarden and how I refused to go home with you on that particular day and when I got home the radio was playing "Bersama" by Ella..I recalled how I didn't wanna listen to you and I cried till the song ended.

I pretty much regret what I did..for disobeying you and you were fine with it..I watched you leave..I cried in the school bus and when people asked why I was crying I said my friend made me cry..gee..young liar..

Poor friend of mine..I think her name was Sharifah Nadirah..from Marsiling CC..wherever you are I'm sorry for blaming you for nothing..

Anyway, that song still affects me..if I hear the beginning of that song anywhere, I will off it or walk away coz I know for sure that I'll get flashbacks of you, my grandpa and I'll just cry my eyeballs out.

I will never forget my life's greatest regret in which in my mind, I wanted to hug you before mum and I left Mama's place at about which a few hours later, at 2+am, you left us forever..

I have never forgiven myself for that grave mistake that I did till now..

Oh Tok Wan I really love you..and I hope you didn't see what I did as I was typing all these..I want you to be happy up there because I love you :)

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@9:55 PM

♥Hopeless, Breathless Baby Can't You See??

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

3 Nov 08, 00:46
Aaron: lol. U finally blogged. Yay..
Excuse me? Don't say need to revive your own blog too ==,

3 Nov 08, 11:14
shihui: relink me babe. sorry. hugs!
Huh AGAIN?? Lol! done =x

3 Nov 08, 13:35
Aqidah: "now im speechless.. lalalalala breathless, lalalalalalalalaa. love bug again. HAHA. lets sing in buses again! (:
But we just did on Monday! Gimme gimme more gimme more =x Ouh and you better memorize the lyrics if you wanna've been mumbling..anyhow only =x

4 Nov 08, 10:21
priis: Woah. New blogskin!
Yes ofcourse..Jonas Latest Videoclip <3

4 Nov 08, 11:56
hua: haha hu ask u sooo long den update i tot u killed tis blog liao.. =p
Nah..this blog is strong de..CPR abit will revive =x

So there was this mini accident in 161 last night..with this time I didn't fall..again?? Nono..I just bumped my hand..I guess that's why people say don't stand when the bus is moving..

Then again, the bus driver cant possibly wait for everybody to sit before driving off..that's gonna waste I guess Aqidah almost fell but she didn't coz she was using both hands to hold the railing at the stairs damn tightly..unless I saw wrong =x

So I was trying to sit but the bus was just plain violent in its movement so I banged my hand. And once again, Aqidah laughed at me..tsk..such saddist ==.

But I think it's not a big deal compared to when I first fell..DID YOU KNOW that the bruise is in my skin isn't red anymore but if u apply pressure on that part, I'll scream "OUCH!!!" and slap you :D

Coz it still hurts..and it has a lump so I guess I've got blood clot there..err..duh..internal bleeding..blood clot..sian ==.

I've been too busy to apply Zambuk =x Ouh yea wanna take this opportunity to thank Jerome for recommending Zambuk to me though he said "Jambuk" and Sher and Pris told me it's Zambuk =x

I guess it helped the bruise go away a little faster-er. And wanna thank See Hua and Desmond for reminding me to apply pressure and rub so that the clot will go away.. *ouch* =x

Yea like he pain no gain =/

Met Pris and Sher for lunch today..WALAO! SHIOK! FREE FOOD!! Who would say no? =x

Actually it was kind of expected..they went in Pizza Hut and I'm like "Hey..don't try to be funny..I don't want a repetition of Swensens!"

For those who dont know the Swensens story. There was a time we met for lunch. They went in Swensens and looked at the menu. Asked what I wanted to buy and so I honestly said "I'm not buying anything. I know I can't afford so it's up to you"

I thought they had big bucks coz they usually do..

And so the Swensens people served plain water. Sherry took a sip or two. And then they decided to move on as it was too expensive.

I'm like WHAT??? O.O *stares at Sherry's cup* I didn't even know how to leave but well yea we did anyway..

I don't want such things to ever happen again please.

But gladly it wasn't like that today. Ouh by the way met Charlie at Pizza Hut..he came later but left earlier..basket ==

I guess we were just unluckily served damn slowly that my 1 hours lunch break accidentally became 2 hours ==

Black mark..urgh ==.

So they ordered food and then said "Actually we're not hungry..we just feel like eating" o.o

Lucky me =x

So I ate whatever they couldn't finish and I could even burp..WOW! Eating other's unfinished food is actually filling =x

Can I upload the pics next time?? Urgh so lazy~

Ouh and before I go, I have a confession.













Speaking of family, I feel so damn blessed today. Yesterday I mass smsed the people in my contact list to promote TPBand Concert. My Aunt smsed "Ok. Me and my family are going. That would be 4 tickets"

I'm like WHATT??? *imitates Joe's exagerated reaction in one of his videos*

But really la..I had 6 pathetic tickets to was going at 0 sales..constant..and in an instant, I sold 4 =x Today, there was an update..she says "Good news! Tok is coming to your concert!"

And I'm like

Btw this is the video I'm talking wanna see the real thing, it's on Jonas Youtube..this is just a sound effect =x

Woah. Suddenly, on my last concert, I've got 5 supporting family members! *touched*

My mum still hates band..after 8yrs =x

Erhem..My Birthday's in half an hour..if you get what I mean..boguses?? =x

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@12:28 PM

♥I'M BACK!!~

Saturday, November 1, 2008

LOL! Like finally..hello world..I'm sorry I've been really busy..with either work, band or AuditionSEA.

But apparently, my AuditionSEA is screwed..season 2 is up but mine can't patch so I'm sianing..

Was kind of supposed to meet Aaron but I give up. He said "I'll call you" hours ago but now it's..6.38pm?

LOL! Forget it..I'm lazy =x

We're supposed to meet to go to Suntec to get the Audition Patch CD..only 50 available..what da heck ==

But it's getting late so I guess not today..

First up, to reply to the stuff on the tagboard..(my replies in blue)

21 Sep 08, 23:00
Aqidah: hahha, i will continue putting it back too ah. i will try persuading that i've got money etc. loyal reader ehhh. of cos! =)
LOL persuade even when you dont have money? =/ Are you still loyal btw? =x

22 Sep 08, 09:19
priis: Really? It's normal? Now i know that. :)
Yep. Now you do..btw if you forgot what this is about, see older msgs at the tagboard =x

23 Sep 08, 11:26
ika: YANI! once in a lifetime i bloghop.MISS U.
LOL Miss you too..Happy Belated Birthday..again! =x

24 Sep 08, 00:03
dalston: YUP!! band getting sian. REAL SIAN!! haha. Don worry, i'm going on friday. ^^
LOL even if sian dont so direct la =x Eeeks! Concert coming up =x

25 Sep 08, 22:34
dalston: Pon band only, haven quit yet. haha.
YET?? What you mean yet ==.

25 Sep 08, 22:35
dalston: Audition is seriously getting kinda sian lei. haha, bo pian!! perhaps i'll drop in occasionally? ^^ LOL, dun emo liao~~
LOL Season 2 liao eh..are you gonna try patching? =x

25 Sep 08, 22:38
dalston: and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! ps for super late wishing
LOL not late la..5 days nia =x

1 Oct 08, 08:18
Tin: relink!
Wello..relinked le =p

3 Oct 08, 15:21
shihui: relink me (: sorry uh, keep changing blog addr.
Lol! Np..linked.

3 Oct 08, 17:44
sher: HARIANI, I've been waiting for your updates for soooooooooooooooo long
Oh. Keep waiting =x And good luck with that =x

4 Oct 08, 22:51
Aqidah: weiiiii, hahaha. time to update alrd.
eh..are you tired? =x

5 Oct 08, 17:29
parr0t: totally agree with aqidah! wahahahahhahahaha! UPDATE YANIE!!! lolx!
update yanie?? update myself?? =x

5 Oct 08, 23:27
Nicole: U.P.D.A.T.E !!
B.L.E.A.G.H !! =x

5 Oct 08, 23:36
Aaron: Idiot you... =x
nyahaha! You're the idiot lo =x

5 Oct 08, 23:37
Aaron: I wont slap u 10457 times? Hahaha
Hehe! I dare ok..actually I dare to put the real thing..I just had the mood to save your ass =x

6 Oct 08, 12:20
priscilla: pops
Pops? Confirm kryps =x

6 Oct 08, 17:52
ika: misses
misses you too =p *hug*

9 Oct 08, 12:01
fluffy: BOO! miss ya LOADS~~ =)
aww I miss you too..I thought we just met =x *hug*

15 Oct 08, 02:11
Aaron: blog la. =x
Cannot..too busy and it's your fault =x

16 Oct 08, 09:55
Vino: Hariani's Blog is officially dead. :))
No it's not..unless I made it official =x So it's unofficially dead =x

24 Oct 08, 22:10
fidah: hi yani.. ni blog baru ku .. do tag k =)
I've relinked =p Asal tak pakai blogger lagi seh :(

27 Oct 08, 05:19
train: and im de only one who didnt update my blog... lol
Who said that? He/she is SO wrong =x

29 Oct 08, 10:07
hua: hmm...izzit me or izzit true tt u're not updating?? haha~'s both =x

29 Oct 08, 23:35
train: okie... shes not updating.. i think she has forgotten tat this blog existed? lol
LOL I didn't lo..I dropby when I can but..too much Vitamin L? =x LAZY! =x

Oops..time check: 7.16pm..that boy is still not calling..FORGET IT LO..NOT today..I mean night =x

SIANZATION..NO AUDI NO LIFE! Oops..I guess it only applies to me =x stoned whole day..ROAR..

Ok I sound totally bored =x

So how's my blogskin? It isn't the original one..for some reason I can't stand the original background so I sat and searched for another one =x I may edit a little here and there..I don't even remember when was the last time I dealed with blog codes =x

Sheesh..last entry was like..26 days ago?? Aiya..I should have waited for the 1st month anniversary atleast ==


Saranghae Minnie Mal
@7:21 PM

♥ Fav. Entry.. ♥

Saranghae Jung Mal ♥

♥ Chonun.. ♥

♥Yani Imnida..full name, Hariani.
♥Singaporean strongly hit by the
Korean Wave..

♥Currently Fangirling SS501
[Pronounced as Double S 501] :D

♥ Saranghae Double S OPPAs!! :D ♥

♥ Passion.. ♥

♥ Dance.
♥ Sing.
♥ Photography.
♥ Language.

♥ Wants.. ♥


♥ Lyrics.. ♥




♥ Comments.. ♥

♥ Links.. ♥


♥ History.. ♥

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