

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hmm..right now I'm feeling calm so I feel that what I did was kind of wrong..a wee bit =x Coz I'm still not happy..then again, Vino is right..

Angry people talk rubbish!


Heh! So I'm still gonna post my original blog entry..with a dash across the whole thing so those who don't wanna see the angry Hariani talking rubbish then you can skip the blue, dashed words =x

Sick and tired of this fucking feeling. Getting all fucked up. Spouting these fucking words. Commiting fucking sins. I get mad every morning eversince my paper was over.

What the fuck..

Fifth day of anger..pardon the words..I need to let it out..

You know what? They are right. You should always blame yourself..blaming others is like pointing a finger at that look at your hand..your other fingers(except your thumb) is actually pointing back at you..which simply means you're 3 times more responsible for it.

So maybe..just maybe I should change..sleep at 12am (on a fucking holiday) and wake up at 8am (on a fucking holiday)..So as to stop making my lifespan even shorter, 8 hours of sleep per day would do..

Then 8am to midnight, try and figure out ways to entertain myself..that way. I'll have 16 hours of life instead of the current 9hours?

I'm only left with 7 days anyway..oh wow..happy holidays yani..gratz that you have a curfew at your age..hopefully that would make everyone (including me) happy?? Gee I'll try =.=

I'll miss my old, happier was awesome while it lasted..I need to release stress but fasting month starts tomorrow..cant club =/ Oh fuck!

Just leave me alone..I'm still not matured anyway =.=


Up there, when I said I should change, I was sarcastic coz I was damn angry..but below is what I truly feel now =x

Yah angry people talk angry Hariani speaks a whole lot of long winded =x

But anyway yah..the calmer Hariani feels that maybe, just maybe, a change would be good..but I'll really miss my old life..I still remember during one of the holidays when I couldn't was like 2+ or 3+ or 4+am..I forgot but it was seriously a time when you can barely find people who are not asleep =x

My eyes were wide open..I put a CD in the player, switched on the stereo and started to groove to the music aka dance like a total idiot at the Living Room..air guitars and stuff >.< It was so fun though I was doing it alone..but hey..what's the imagination for? =p

Ah..those days >.<

Today I woke up 12+pm..great improvement..but I still couldn't sleep immediately..I was so angry that I kept sighing and sighing for god knows how long..I prolly slept at 3+am =x 1+ hours improvement..not bad =x

But you your most 'MADDEST' moment, think of something that's so pleasant and sweet, it totally works as a distraction..

For example Joseph :D Think ok him, *high* then can sleep..

And the best part is when you think so much about someone before you sleep, they are bound to be part of your dream..


"A little bit longer
And I'll be fine"


HOMG I just saw a Jonas Family photo and I have to let this out.

Denise Mummy

is the luckiest lady ever!!

In the entire planet!!

Coz she has

a WONDERFUL guy as her


3 HOTTIES as sons

and another CUTIE as a



Which girl, got 5 guys around you but still not happy..

Eyy don't get me wrong..I'm not desperate..I know my social circle are mostly girls and 99% of the people in my social circle are younger than me..don't need to be reminded..

But..who cares?? If I'm not bothered then you shouldn't too :D


Completed 3 stages of story mode..currently stuck again coz the next stage is 8key =.=

Ouh by the way "Joe" was online again but he didn't reply me..chey!!~ =x


Saranghae Minnie Mal
@9:37 PM


Monday, August 25, 2008

Actually, I didn't wanna blog today. Coz I'm on Panic mode..DBSY is freaking tomorrow and I haven't freaking study and I'm still freaking slacking and now I'm freaking out..


** runs around frantically like a mad woman and bangs into a wall..ouh wait..It's not a wall..It's a tall young man with dark wavy's JOE JONAS!! **

Hmm..obviously nuts =.=

Lol! I'm listening to BB Good and Joe just went "Listen girl, you gotta be good..I don't wanna hurt you..I wanna kiss you!"
LOL! Nice timing >.<

Anyway, I'm not mentally stable right now..I think too panic but anyhoo, I'm dropping here for 5 minutes to show you the things I owe you from my 23rd August entry..

My last words were..

Wanna know who??


Wait for tomorrow's blog entry =x

Yes? Yah I forgot to mention yesterday due to the damn long entry so here goes..

I saw someone online O.O

He uploaded the note on his photobucket account.

And awhile later, it's gone. (Coz he doesn't keep the notes there)

Made this photo yesterday =x

Created a youtube account today =x For fun la..and I'm kiasu coz I saw someone named their video "Bogus Jonas Brothers" so I better chop the name first like a Kiasu Aunty =x

This is the note I got =x

So in conclusion, yep the guy I msned with was Joseph Adam Jonas..or atleast the person claimed to be Joe.

I just played along coz I've got nothing to lose (except time..but if it's the real Joseph then I don't mind spending my time talking to him =x)

If it was a poser then he did a good job in
1. Creating a convincing photobucket account.
2. Convincing other fans that he is Joe.
3. Doing research and knowing that JB is at Ohio and the timing of Ohio and that JB has a concert the next day.
4. Saying that your brothers are in their own rooms, something like MTV Live and Mobile.
And most importantly,
5. Forging Joe's signature?

LOL I don't know..on the other hand, if it was Joe,


And thanx for the note!! :D

You rock my world!! :D

And I told you about Bogus Jonas..

So we're Official..


Ok gotta study DBSY now =x
And frankly..I'm still doubting this guy =/

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@5:30 PM


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Woah sian. At the rate my tagboard is going, I think I've been talking to myself..or atleast blogging for my own sake since nobody reads it..maybe except Pris.

But anyway it's ok if there's noone long as I'm happy. And speaking of Happy, I'm not. Coz I totally wasted my day due to blogging =x Or maybe coz I didn't put my heart and soul into it so I didn't progress quickly and ended up spending hours on a single blog entry =.=

Ouh by the way, I just did the entry for 21st August 2008..yea..spent hours on that entry =.=

Including uploading the videos, blablabla..

Refering to my blognotes in my phone, I realised I missed out certain things.

22nd August 2008
I made my first ever Jonas video on this day.
Well ok fine, I didn't make it..I just mixed them up but I can't post them..ouh IS the day!

It's exactly 2 weeks to Camp Rock so I can post it..haha! Lucky you..I mean me..I forgot noone reads =.=

There you go =x

Besides that, Disney's gonna be "Camp Rockified" on 7th & 8th OMJ!! The advertisement said something like the cast of Camp Rock is gonna take over Disney on 7th Sept from 10am till the premiere of Camp Rock which is at 7.30pm. And on the 8th, the Cast is gonna take over from 5pm till the premiere of Camp Rock Behind the Scenes..

OMJ I think I'm gonna cabut from school on the 8th =x My Major Project group damn sway =x

I'm telling you..watching Disney is damn harmful..I get Heart Attack daily coz of Jonas..I think I'm going nuts soon =x

Ouh by the way, got my DBSY results when I was at Marina Square with BJ(Bogus Jonas)..screamed in public >.<

Yea my results made me scream then my head went blank. I had a week but I totally slacked and did not study for DBSY..and now I'm thinking if that 60% I already have can save me even if I fail this Sem Test o.o

Tini says there's still a possibility I am gonna fail(If I don't study). Dang. I'm so lazy =.=

So anyway yah. Here's my result:-
DBSY Assignment: D+
DBSY Lab Test: A

According to Pris, My DBSY First take result was:-
DBSY Assignment: C
DBSY Lab Test: F

Walao damn worth it la. DBSY Assignment was such a horrible period..if you read my blog you'll know..I pass damn happy liao..and this is D with a touched >.< Thanx Mr Lim! I love DBSY!! =x

As for Lab Test, frankly I was upset coz my Penang relatives went around Singapore and I stayed home to prepare for this Lab Test instead of going around with them T.T

I guess this shows that SACRIFICES ARE WORTH IT! Ok I love DBSY LOTS LOTS =X

21st August

Those videos are called Stalking Aeroplanes..taken on 21st Aug 08 @ Changi Airport. For some reason mum and I can just sit there and see planes land one after another for hours without getting bored..

I guess it's just a hobby that runs in the blood..back then when we were free-er, my family would go to Changi Beach and just sit there for hours..watching planes land..playing "Who can spot the plane first", "Who can guess the Airline First"..

The things in red circle are aeroplanes :)

Tini bought "A Little Bit Longer" last night..chewah! I think I'll slowly save money then buy their 2nd and 3rd album at one go =x

Busy night tonight.

7:30pm - Ratatouille on Disney Channel.
10:00pm - Army Daze on Arts Central.

LOL! Busy wasting time and having fun =.=

And I missed Jonas Brothers: Living The Dream..AGAIN!! HOMG!! Kevin please slap me!! =.=

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@8:36 PM

♥Hello Goodbye.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Bogus Jonas would like to say




Lucky 3:10 Joe calls the Girl up..the body guard went to get her and how Joe carried her at 3:28..awesome..lucky girl :D

Going back to my world, someone on Earth made me Happy today :D

Anything in the conversation below that is in between ** ** and are red in color are things that I add for this entry.

Me: hello
Him: hi
Me: who are you =x
Him: who am i...well, I am ** I will reveal this part to you later ** :S
oops that was supposed to be a smiley face like this :D
Me: homg serious? but there's so many posers out there >.< how do we know which to believe =/
o.o lol if u could be on webcam for like even one sec then it would be believable =x
Him: Well, I have had many people ask me that, sorry but i dont have a webcam...but..the best way I have come up with with other fans is, I can write a note on a piece of paper to you then sign it and send it to you from my official photobucket account...that seemed to work! :) haha
Me: that would be possible =x
sorry disconnected =x
Him: well, what i have done is...i write the note take a picture on my phone then upload it to photobucket...then i send to you! :)
Me: but anyway could u take a pic of u now? and if ur bros are around, a pic of them too =x
Him: i can do that if you like
Me: is the second part too much to ask? =x
Him: well, i would prefer not to do that...
Me: but maybe if u wrote my name(in the note), took a pic of the note and urself then it would be believable enough =x
i feel like i'm troubling u >.< if only posers don't exist =.=
what is ur official photobucket account anyway?
Him: well, it is sad that so many people have to be poser. to be honest i dont understand it...I really don't like to send pictures of myself...usually people settle for the note because i sign it and it will have my signature on it...but then again I do see your concern with the poser photobucket is ** I can't tell you this part =x ** :D
Me: well okok then the note will do..with my name? =x
or anything is fine =x
sorry >.<
Him: ok, then i can do the note...what is your name :)
Me: Hariani
I'm a Singaporean by the way =x
Him: oh, awesome! ok...give me a few minutes and ill get it to you :D
Me: ok thanx =p
it's now in noon..what time is it over there? and where r u anyway =x
Him: oh wow, i am in ohio and it is about midnight :D
Me: ouh haha
u should come to Singapore =x My friends and I, we're such huge fans of you guys..and since there's also 3 of us, we named ourselves Bogus Jonas =x well yea coz we're not the original ones =x
Him: haha thats awesome! maybe we will come there one day! :D we would love to! :D
Me: LOL for some reason one of them is confident you guys are coming next year..but meanwhile we'll all be saving money >.<
Him: :D
Me: anyway i'm looking at ur photobucket now..never seen the "** cant tell you this part **.jpg" before =x
Him: haha :D
Me: so..u've got many notes to write? =x
Him: not so much tonight :) but last night people wanted them like crazy! haha :D
what r u doing besides writing notes?
Him: talking to fans :D
Me: lol they nvr sleep too =x
and ur brothers?
Him: I dont know what they are doing they are in their hotel rooms :S
Me: those on MTV Live and Mobile? Everyone has their own room?
Him: yep yep :S
grrr...those are supposed to be smileys haha :D
Me: Wow that's amazing man..I would dream to have a life like that..haha =x
Him: :D here is the note...** Sorry can't tell you this part =x **
let me know when you see it so i can delete it i dont leave them on my account :D
Me: hold on..cant do it mum's here =x
ok done..i believe you =x
and anyway sorry about my msn nickname..i couldn't stand those youtubers =/
ouh by the way can you do me a favour =x
if you're busy it's ok
Him: whats that :D
Me: actually i dunno..i wouldnt wanna trouble you but i cant make up my mind..
Him: well, what would you like
Me: i wanted u to write a note but i cant decide to write for the other 2 bogus jonases or just write to bogus jonas =x
coz our birthdays are in september and october so i thought of surprising them =x
Him: oh cool :D
Me: yea.. and i still cant decide =x why dont you decide?
Him: decide what?
Me: which one to write?
Him: which what to write? haha sorry i accidently closed the conversation box...
i wanted u to write a note but i cant decide to write for the other 2 bogus jonases or just write to bogus jonas =x
** Then he stopped replying o.o **
Me: ?
LOL ** the person's name here ** did u fall asleep? =x
Him: whoa...sorry i was totally distracted by the television...that happens sometimes...what were we talking about :D
dont u have plans for later in the day?
Him: yes a concert tonight :D
Me: LOL and u're not asleep yet
Him: haha yea i was just going to go to sleep, you;re right id better go,,,hope to talk to you soon :D
Me: cya =p

I think it's obvious =x

This entry is too long..

Wanna know who??


Wait for tomorrow's blog entry =x

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@8:25 PM

♥Bogus Jonas Outing 2.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Firstly, went back to school today. I think it was a waste of time coz basically it's for those SIP / MP / IP people..for the teachers to check if they are dead or freshen up and hopefully have better focus when they go back to work..


The only good point is the reunion. They say I didn't change..I still eat damn slow..well I didn't practise =x

After the whole thing, went all the way to City Hall MRT with Sherry. She was going to work while I was going to Dhoby Ghaut to meet the Bogus Jonas.

Apparently BJJ (Bogus Joe Jonas)'s teacher gave him the wrong info..which was also passed down to BNJ (Bogus Nick Jonas) and BKJ (Bogus Kevin Jonas) =.=

We thought BJJ had to up on stage to receive the award and hence he was all dressed up (in school uniform and tie)..ya know..ever so formal..

But in the end, he went to the counter, this and that, this and that and we could go =.=

Like BNJ said, "We rushed here in the rain just for this??" LOL!

So yea..kind of pathetic but what the hell =x

So we walked around..settled at Plaza Singapura's KFC. Just sat there..rummaging through BJJ's "Goodie Bag" which was so darn heavy =.= We then found out it had a dictionary inside..and for the rest of the night we kept going "RED DICTionary"..yeah literally like that..emphasizing on the 'DICT' [if you get what I mean =x]

Since there was so many people standing around and we weren't eating, we made a move..took the train all the way to Marina Bay..I kept telling BJJ "You know..Marina Bay is not located at Marina Bay (MRT)" and he's like "Nono seriously..just listen to me"

Ok.. =x

When we reached Marina Bay MRT, I heard the security guard saying "If you wanna watch the Fireworks, got to City Hall MRT" and I gave BJJ the immediate stare =x Then he stood there and thought for awhile with the "I think we're at the wrong place" expression on his face =x

We turned around and the security guard was behind us and she went "Where are you going? The fireworks is at City Hall MRT..Over here is just constructions.."

We probably had the words "We're going to watch fireworks" on our foreheads..LOL!

So we took the train back to City Hall..fuyooo..packed like heck..the station, the whole journey to Esplanade..packed packed packed..

We went to Marina Square for awhile but every place that has food was packed! Poor BNJ and BJJ..atleast I already ate in school =x

So we made our way to the Esplanade Library and settled there..had a great view for the fireworks..

Here's the problem..

What time is the Fireworks?
What time does Esplanade Library close?


So we just slacked there. BNJ was using my laptop to surf on Jonas..before we left the library, the 3 of us watched the Videos of Jonas Brothers MTV Live and Mobile.

BNJ loves the video below..

LOL! She says the face Nick made when he "woke up" was cute =x That face never fails to make me laugh =x

Then we were chased out..made our way to the busstop..a dissapointed BNJ and BKJ was like "BJJ..come on man..please.." and BNJ was like "Since we are here, we might as well watch it.."

And BJJ finally went "Okok..If it doesn't start by 9.30pm, we'll leave.." LOL! Then BNJ and BKJ was like "Yes arh!! You're the man BJJ!" =x

So we joined the crowd..stood there like real idiots but it was worth it..sometimes using your imagination makes things way better..I think BNJ imagined she was watching it with the Jonas..LOL!

Good work with the imagination >.< Too bad I was busy taking video till I couldn't imagine =x

Enough said, here's the media..

Skyscrapers taken from Esplanade Library.

There was a gig below..familiar idea who =x

BNJ..always excited when it comes to Jonas =x


Jonasing =x

Skycrapers from by the river.

A very expressive BJJ >.<

Maybank building's lighting..

The Fireworks..

Ok darn long post..dead beat..Goodnight and Goodbye.

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@11:50 PM


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Firstly, I need to mention things I accidentally missed out in the week's entry =x

18th Aug.
Was watching Disney and there was this competition(or whatever they call it)..Disney Channel's Gamepoint.

Why am I so attracted to this competition??
Coz the Grand Prize is a SONY PSP!!!

But to get that prize you need to be loyal to Disney by watching it 18th Aug to 7th September, 4pm to 7.30pm..

Cannot's rather long >.< One day nevermind..everyday DBSY =x

And here's the catch.

Look at the blue part T.T

Not fair!! You mean I'm too old to watch Disney?? I don't cant stop me..Disney shows are so attractive (to me) that even if people say I'm overaged to watch it, I still will! =x

And my mum has accepted that her 19 year old daughter still watches cartoon eversince my poly people came to my house during Hari Raya..they changed the channel and watched cartoon..then on, my mum never mocked me for watching cartoon ever..coz she knows I'm not alone..nyahaha =x

19th Aug.

Today I discovered a youtube account - jonaspandemonium.
Here's the direct link.


For now I know The JoBros 10 Rules..the pone part was darn funny..when they were fighting in the car then Kevin slaps Joe..nyahaha!! Ok I'm mean =x

Those videos are compilations of my favourite parts from the see the full videos, click on the direct link up there.

Heh! They look so cute when they wake up =x


In brief, went out with my mum. To Orchard Plaza to get Hari Raya shoes and a pair of slippers which I don't dare to first ever pair of lady's slippers as a young adult with big feet! Like so sayang..but so expensive..$30+??

Wasted =.=

Then went to Arab Street to look for accessories..wasted trip. So expensive =.=

Dragged my mum to Airport to eat at Popeyes >.<

I feel damn fat now la =.= I mean apart from the fact I already am..chicken everyday aint good T.T On top of that, our chickens are chemically injected so that they'll be damn fat and juicy and it's damn shiok (and unhealthy) for us to eat T.T

Sian. Ok nevermind.

Mum and I laughed our ass off at this lady..we were not being mean but what she did was seriously funny.

You know fast food places these days, we need to get our own chilli sauce..Popeyes too and the thing was rather hard to press.

Then there was this lady who couldnt press, she took out the whole thing and knock knock on the small plastic that was given to put chilli sauce..(Malays call this process cedok)

Damn funny wear heels and dressed up like a real lady and do that kind of thing..but I understand your frustration >.<

Mum and I laughed till we cried =.= Cannot make it..laugh till the food like wanna come out again..thanx for the entertainment >.<


Went to Selena(Gomez)'s myspace and heard the Album version of "A Little Bit Longer"..OMJ..SOUNDS DAMN NICE LA..makes me more excited to buy the album >.<

Which reminds me..was on the phone with Tini last evening and we are totally psyched for Camp Rock la..we're praying that my dad wont be home. Trust me..even my mum is praying that my dad wont be home on the night of 7th September >.<

Coz me and Tini are SUPPOSED to watch Camp Rock on Disney Channel at my mum's given the green light but we know her husband too well.

If he's at home and Tini comes, he'll probably stick to the rule "During fasting month, the earliest you can on TV is 8pm" =.=

Camp Rock starts at 7.30pm =.=

I hope he got work or he goes to his relative's house on that night so me and Tini can watch =x

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@10:03 PM

♥BB Good

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

BB Good is an awesome song for every girl that has Obsessive Jonas ME! And especially when you're obsessed with Joe..also, like ME! Coz this song is mostly sung by Joe. He didn't share lead with Nick.

Me and Vino replayed it many (times a gazilion) times..we can't count how many time we repeated the song.

Here's the lyrics. In which, if you're not interested, please skip the red words below :D

I'll pick you up at seven
We can drive around and see a movie
Every scene will have a meaning
But you'll be the one that moves me

I've been hurt before so baby promise that you're gonna be true
I'm gonna be be good so tell me that your gonna be good, too

You gotta be be good to me
I'm gonna be be good to you
We'll be happy as can be
Just gotta be be good to me, baby!

Gonna treat you right
We'll never fight
Now baby you can trust me
When I hold you tight
I feel alive
I guess that I'm just lucky

I've been hurt before so baby
Promise that your gonna be true
Gonna be be good so tell me that your gonna be good too

You gotta be be good to me
I'm gonna be be good to you
We'll be happy as can be
You gotta be be good to me, baby!

Listen girl, you gotta be good
I dont wanna hurt you
I wanna KISS you!

You gotta be be good to me
I'm gonna be be good to you
We'll be happy as can be
Just gotta be be good to me

Come on! Come on!
You gotta be be good to me
I'm gonna be be good to you
We'll be happy as can be
Just gotta be be good to me, yeaa!

Listen girl, you outta control
I think you and me
Would be a great

That last phrase..can make so many people and Vino melted but we're fine now..LOL!

Ouh by the way, I have nothing against Nick. I love all 3 of them..and Frankie..and Denise Mummy and Paul Senior..I know Denise isn't my mummy but I'm not used to calling adults by sounds disrespectful to me =x

Anyway, firstly, I wanna say..

E News shouldn't do that..Now there's a war on youtube between JB and Beatles Fans.. =( I'm not taking sides coz I don't know the Beatles.

Beatles fans are like "Jonas sux..blabla" Look, it's not that they wanted to do it..they were asked to do it..coz JB Rule number 1 is Never Cover a Beatle Song. But it was for Target's commercial and since they were given the opportunity, they just took why not right?

We all know nobody's don't have to say "If Joe can't hit the note then he might as well don't do a cover for it" =.= I dunno la..I find the JB version nicer maybe coz I'm not into oldies song sometimes =/

And JB knows where they stand..they're not trying to be the next Beatles so stop saying that =.=

Besides that I randomly went to JB's youtube page and this was what I saw..

MetalRockAndZep | August 19, 2008
I would give the finger too if I felt like it!
im gonna feed nick sugar until he DIES!

P/s: I'm usually not vulgar but I'm just quoting him..tried to cancel out that p word though =x

My comeback:-

And no they will not eat p..they have way better things to do =.=
And that comment about Nick is way off man..that's like insulting everyone with Diabetes..wad da heck happened to your heart?? Noone prayed and hoped to be ill and you're cursing him to're sick in the head man =.=

Then there's another hater..username - 187441

Click here for His Channel

He's like so whatever..keeps going to the JB Page to insult. If you hate them so much, why did you even bother to waste your time insulting them on their's not like they would read it anyway coz your comments keep going down down down while us JBFans leave pleasant comments which overlaps yours..

Ouh yea..which is why you kept writing..well I wouldn't mind you wasting your time coz that's none of my business..but funny thing is, you insult them like nobody's business but when I state facts about you, you deleted my comments from your page..

Aww..only see the good stuff?? Poor boy can't even see what's on the mirror..need a bigger one??

Look. I don't usually insult people but I pretty much make a good comeback if you insult the people I love. So if you actually have balls to insult others than you jolly well have balls to accept what's true about YOU!!

Ball-less male =.=

** Ok this post is too long..DBSY Revision Lecture time =x **

Original Blog entry: 12.25pm

Current time check: 6.40pm

I'm back from the Revision Lec..I think Ben had a bike accident coz he was limping and his leg was bandaged..his girl's too..aiyoh..take care arh..

DBSY Assignment and Lab Test Result out on Friday..bleagh..Ouh by the way I cancelled about the second "JBHater" up there coz I found out he did that coz he and his friend are having a competition on who can get most comments pn their he decided to post mean comments on JB Page =.=

I totally wasted my time..LOL!

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@6:43 PM


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

OMJ I am so darn lazy to update la T.T


Time check: 12:27am. Dear PY is doing storymode for me..tsk..just license la >.< It's the can't run..3447 exp left only =x Gal's done too..after you then's license season again >.<

And yea I've like finally licensed ==" Now I can rest my mind and focus on more important!! Homg..

*slaps myself*

5 days 7 days to paper and I'm still Auditioning..wanna die arh?? =="

I would like to apologize to SeeHua and any other people who I gave wrong info to..when I had confidently said that my paper is Tuesday, 24th Aug 2008, today my mum made me realise that 24th August isn't even a Tuesday. It's a Sunday =.= So yea..miscalculated..sorry guys =x

Here's a dedication to Funky Town..

Goodbye Funky Town..I've seen the last of you..I won't say I'm glad we met coz you made me fail so many times ==" But then again, you made me improve..but now I've moved Euro 2005..

Ouh gets tougher and tougher..and soon I'm gonna be stuck coz I can't play 8key =x

Funky Town - Audition

Yea sometimes I feel like it's a nice song..but still it's a phobia =x

1st Attempt - Failed =.=

2nd Attempt - Still Failed =.=

3rd Attempt - Barely passed =.=

Vuala~ Level finally =.=

Those were last night photos by the way =x

Went out of Audi and saw an msn message from my Junior..

Nyahahah!! Nice to hear but how come you watched already?? Not fair lo =.=



Hmm..I started DBSY today..but progress is pathetic..I hate the fact that the subject makes me panic..ALOT =.=

I'm dissapointed with myself. Coz I broke the 'Eat Once and survive the rest of the day without eating' thing that had been going's supposed to be the 4th day =.= But I opened the fridge and "ooo those mini oreos and chipsmore are so tempting!!"

*Boom* Gone. I started eating T.T

Damnit =.=

On the happier note, I'm happy that I didn't go AuditionLand today >.< Ok fine I did. But just for a game or two coz noone's in motivation so I left =/

Awesome. That's one distraction down..but I still went to youtube =x Surfed on Jonas (duh~) and hair o.o

Yah hair =x I'm learning how to make things better..seems like everyone out there (with the natural curls) are using da Flat Iron! Yea..seen Jonas do it before =x So tempting..but it causes damage..later I botak how =.=

So right now my plan is conditioner, conditioner and more conditioner..ouh wait..that's second on the list. First, we need $$ :D


Saranghae Minnie Mal
@10:26 PM


Monday, August 18, 2008

First up, things I did today.

Tried 8k Beat Up. Personally I don't like that shade of much as I love blue..that blue looks like someone got punched and kena blue black..eeyer.. =x

Great improvement =x But noob song so not counted =x

Reunited with the clique since there's no more lag..Ballroom Mode $_$

pangseh-ed =x

I've got a wee bit more exp to clear before I can level up..wish me luck for that >.<

And now, to get things of my chest.

Ouh comeon! Don't be a pervert =.=

Well just wanted to say that, you know what? You're right. Maybe I do have a million and one excuses to reject each time people ask me out..I dunno..maybe it happens to be that way?

I may seem free but I have a life of my own..I mean, I woke up today telling myself "Ok! Today I shall do this and that, this and that.." and then you ask if I wanna join you for dinner and I said "I've already eaten"

** Which reminds me, this is the third day that I only ate meal to last me for the day..wee..sometimes it's good to be lazy =x Ok back to the topic =x **

So yah..then you ask me to chill instead..but problem is, I've already made plans..if my day was aimless then I wouldn't mind..and then you go "YOU AND YOUR STUPID EXCUSES"

That made me think for're right..each time you ask me out I'll take a long time to consider and most of the time, I won't be there. I guess I have my reasons..stupid reasons if you prefer to refer to them that way..

"c'mon yani! why u always have to care what they think
i mean honestly. how many times they got put their business before you"

She's true to a certain extent. Her point is, everyone have their own life and sometimes you put other things infront of the other things..ya know..don't understand nevermind =x

This entry is just for fun la..sorry if I hurt anybody but all I'm saying is that I feel that it's ok if people tell me I always have stupid excuses for not doing things..I mean seriously, no sarcasm =.= And she's right..noone's perfect..noone can be there for someone like 24/7..everyone has their own life and everybody has ever put something else infront of something..

Ya know?

Dunno nevermind..cheerio =x

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@11:00 PM

♥I'm Loving It!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I am so loving my blogskin~

Smiling cheek to cheek now =x Done up my blogskin and it's FINALLY Mozilla-Friendly :D

Gratz to the's now viewable for everybody =x And yah..sorry for going back to emo-land..ya a pic of Jonas in the rain >.<

Creditos. People who made it possible..websites too.

1. - the source for many kinds of skins.
2. Mrs Priscilla Luo Jia Hui - you want credit, I give you credit =x

Here's the story.

One fine day, Hariani wasn't so happy with her blogskin. As quoted from train,
">< FF is spoiling ur blog"

So she went skin hunting and found 2 she was talking to Mrs Luo, she gave her 2 options and she chose the first one. Which is the current blogskin. When giving the option, Hariani added "but i'll prolly change the pic to jonas =x".
Upon choosing the skin, Mrs Luo adds, "i dont like the pic". "but it's ok if you change to jonas"

So that's the story.

3. Kailengg..whoever you are, wherever you are, thanx for this skin :D
Click Here for Her Skins :)

4. JonasHQ for the amazing photos.

5. Macromedia Fireworks coz without it, the photo up there wouldn't exist [only coz I dunno how to use other photo editors =x]

6. Kak Farah for helping me choose the photo up there =x

See the thing is, I was fickle minded..and I did 3 versions =x

The original one provided by Kailengg..

My Jonas Version 1.

My Jonas Version 2.

My Jonas Version 3.

So to resist? Dunno which to choose >.< Ouh by the way, sorry for the big white word..I know I'm selfish =x If you really want it then go get it from JonasHQ =x Better and clearer :)

And so Kak Farah chose the umbrella..ella..ella~ [I kind of like it the most too =x]

So that's that.

7. Photobucket for hosting my photo :D

8. Last and definitely not the least, Blogger..I'm loyal ok >.< "On Blogger Since August 2004" Pro bo? =x


Saw Newboyz' "Putus" videoclip on HOMG!! Panic-ed and called Anisah immediately >.< Baru bangun tido kepe? Bunyi layu je XD

Then my dad started commenting saying that I call people even for something on tv..which leads my bill to be so high that I deserve to use prepaid card.

In my heart I went "Eh halo! The last time I talk to Anisah was when?? A gazillion years ago??"
**At this point I realise I'm exagerating but when this happens to your bestfriend then you'll know how it feels. 1 month can feel like a year =x**

But then again, let's ask..who pays the bill? XD dad..but anyhoo, someone cheered me up..

A cute lil baby..wait till you hear what he says.. =x

Today in AuditionLand:-

Heh! Big bully =x

Licensed for a total stranger. Seriously. And she's worried I'll hack her account..LOL! Why should I..what would I gain =.=

Ya know..that Newboyz videoclip made me regret not seeing Tomok and Ristoe on Friday..damnit =.=

It's supposed to be me >.< Do I look like a man O.O

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@10:23 PM

♥Ladies and Gentlemen..

Friday, August 8, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen I am finally back to da blog world~

I guess there were several factors that stopped me from coming back =x

1. Busy.
Yep! Been very super dee duper busy..either with assignment, school work, activities, family or simply busy having FUN =x

2. No motivation.
Motivation means EVERYTHING!! Or atleast to me la..motivation is very important..[take it from the kid who takes Psychology as a Cross Disciplinary Subject(CDS)] Heh! It's all in the head..

I look at my blog everyday just incase someone tags..and frankly I got sick of my blogskin.. =x

NONO!! Sick of the skin..not the boys on the skin =x

Never gonna get sick of Jonas >.<

Well atleast not for now..not yet?

OK!! Change topic! =x

**I'm talking to myself, pretending AS IF there are people reading this blog besides myself..tsk tsk..self entertainment =/ Life is short..ENJOY!! Entertain yourself when noone is free enough to entertain you =D**

So ONE DAY, I'll be updating the entries that I owe myself..and my readers(if any) and when I update them, I will mention lah k so you'll know when to scroll down =D

So yep..after hours of frustration, my blogskin is finally done..though this is probably my worst skin coz I did it with no inspiration..just the thought of "I'm sick of my old skin but I still want Jonas!" kept me going =/

Critics [and praises] are welcomed =D

Anything please tag or msn so I can improve yep?

But here's a warning.

It's hard to please EVERYBODY including ME..coz you know..motivation..if I not happy I oso won't blog anymore >.< So yeah..I can't please EVERYBODY but I will try where possible lah k..

Comments will be taken into consideration =D

Comments Received so far:-

This skin is better than the previous. Brighter and 'fresher'
It's so yani's blog (colour and wordings) lah!
[Regarding the shape of the bros up there] - i dono. it just look weird. BUT looking more it looks interesting le
Other comments - you enlarge the pictures a little bit more so that the side doesnt look so bare

hmm i tink e backgd colour abit brite
but i lyk e way u cut out e pics
erm change backgrd colour
change e shapes of cutouts
coz e colours lyk not very match lyk tt


So yah..lai lai..don't shy shy..COMMENT!!~

Dang it's already 3pm..if I go and send my 5610 to Nokia General Hospital, and if the queue is long, I am gonna be late for BAND! Sian =.= delay delay delay =.=

OUH!! And today is my self declared holiday..skipped Human Environmental coz I wasn't feeling well last night..told my mum not to wake me up..

Was feeling hot..I mean my forehead..and my throat feels dry..Dr. Health told me it's coz Chocolate is a heaty food =.= Dumb. I didn't know..LOL!

Swallowed tons of chocolate yesterday afternoon..ah well =/

P/s: If you wanna know, my Dr. Health is Ms Fluffy Seehua XD

Hmm..besides that,

=.= Thanx arh..2 nights ago his friend scared the crap out of me..and last night he scared me..but atleast not as bad as Abg Faisal =x

He was telling me that at Kampung, there are many sounds at night..he said I haven't heard of how the musang(fox) sounds like Langsuir..dumb me had to ask him what langsuir meant =.=

So yah it's a pontianak and I'm like "!!! I did not just see that..lalala ok never heard of it and never want to hear those kind of sound ok" =x

I even told him bout our young cousins saying they heard people walking on the roof at night when we stayed there and I kept telling them it's Chicken and they kept disagreeing..then abgcik said Chicken don't go on the's something else..then I told him that's enough need for me to know more =x

Ignorance is bliss~

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@3:07 PM

♥ Fav. Entry.. ♥

Saranghae Jung Mal ♥

♥ Chonun.. ♥

♥Yani Imnida..full name, Hariani.
♥Singaporean strongly hit by the
Korean Wave..

♥Currently Fangirling SS501
[Pronounced as Double S 501] :D

♥ Saranghae Double S OPPAs!! :D ♥

♥ Passion.. ♥

♥ Dance.
♥ Sing.
♥ Photography.
♥ Language.

♥ Wants.. ♥


♥ Lyrics.. ♥




♥ Comments.. ♥

♥ Links.. ♥


♥ History.. ♥

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