
♥Reasons and excuses..

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Which is be someone who plays AuditionSEA everyday, most of the day or one who surfs youtube on the same topic - Jonas Brothers - everyday, most of the day?

Today I've come to realise that my addiction to The Jonas Brothers can actually overcome my addiction to AuditionSEA..

The Jonas Brothers Wins!! LOL

And I feel dumb coz the petition I signed..and asked Aqidah to sign..I think it's no longer valid..coz I went wikipedia >.<

Notice: We're talking about the Look Me In The Eyes Tour..

Notice: The Look Me In The Eyes Tour ended on March 22nd 2008 =.= Which is 3 months and a week ago =.=

Sorry Aqidah >.< I never read..signed blindly =x

And Best Damn Tour just ended yesterday so the only opportunity we have is Burning Up Tour..that is if they decide to come to Singapore =/

Anyone wanna start the petition?? I'll be more than happy to sign =p

And Kevin said he's been to Singapore before~

Apparently I can't find the video of him saying that =.= It's always like passby them when not needed..and when you need them, you just can't find them =.=

>> Aqidah loves this video!! LOL!! No idea how many times she replayed it =x

Anyway, the main purpose for this entry was actually to pretty much make reasons WHY they should not make NAPFA Test compulsory [for poly students] >.<

Actually wanted to make it into a video..haha! Trully inspired by the Jonas but I figured I'm too ugly and wouldn't want to embarrass myself so I'll go on with words.

It's been a long while since I came out with many reasons and excuses so I'm gonna crack my brain juice now alright..

Lai..let's do this shit.. >.<

Yanie's reasons and excuses as to

WHY NAPFA Test Should NOT be made compulsory to Tertiary Students..

or atleast me =X

People say that if I don't do Napfa test, I won't get my diploma..sure it's a good threat but you shouldn't do that coz..

1. The last time I did any of those Items was in 2005..long gone from the memory man~
2. It so so long gone, I spelt it as NAPHA instead of NAPFA =x [thanx for correcting me Ika =p]
3. You said it was not necessary to pass so why should I even waste my time when I know that the light of hope is barely there =x
4. Wanting people to go for the sake of going [without passing] is like forcing people who can't do something to do it. Do you realise what happens when a person fails??
- Paiseh coz other people can but I can't.
- Upset, dissapointed, stress, emo..bleagh!

So yah..why waste time and then feel negative after that? I rather do something else and still feel happy >.<

Jonas Rox!!~

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@3:55 PM

♥It's A Call I'll Never Get..

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Ok that was so embarrassing..bahaha!! I was singing, dancing and nodding my head [as if I was at some rock concert] to Jonas Brothers' "S.O.S" and my dad came out of his room and saw me.. =.=

As I was doing that I was actually thinking of a beginning for this entry but I guess it's no longer needed =/

Nothing much for today. Didn't go Alumni Band [sorry people..I just couldnt take it..too tired..I know I'm irresponsible and do not have a good reason for my absence..sorry Azri and others..]

Woke up at like 12 noon?

I thought I would sleep through the afternoon O.O

And since I had nothing better to do, I went to check tois' exp and he's like way infront..more than 10k ahead T.T So I chionged exp too =X Now I'm about 4k or 6k behind him..I forgot..but I don't care coz I played hours of 1,2 Party and am seriously sick of it =X

So I'm out of finally..not sure if I'll go in tonight =/

That's all for today..let's talk about last night =p



Warning: May Cause Depression to some.

Like me..haizness..

I guess I got slight depression from band last night..

I'm seriously on the verge of waving my white flag..the white flag is done man..all I need to do is wave it but I'm still deciding..that's how I'm feeling at this point..


Below is just my personal feelings ok..I understand this is an open blog in which everyone who has access to the internet can see. So if there's anything below that causes displease to you, please keep it to discussion needed coz talking behind my back or my friend's back just


Thanx =D

I hate competitions..atleast SYF is something that I'm used to..I joined TPBand for just one reason - to continue saxing. That's all I ask and I've got to thank TPBand for giving me unforgetable experiences such as Kaki Bukit..that was so first time performing or actually saxing during the fasting month! [I don't know if it's allowed though =x Coz some people say that it's fine while others say the fast is broken =/]

And outdoor performances..great exposure..and especially the concerts at the auditorium [which was supposed to occur every Semester] thanx for the experiences. But still, I hate competitions coz it makes people ugly. Or atleast I feel so.

When I say ugly people I don't mean looks..I mean attitude and behaviour. Maybe I'm the kind that can never be seriously serious.

Lemme ask you a general question..assignment..when the duedate is like so near..say..tomorrow? You're chionging. Everyone is chionging till sleep is something we don't bother about. And you need help. You ask people. They don't treat you the way they normally do right? They probably give you one word answers..That's what I mean by ugly.

It's not that I asked help and noone helped. Right now I'm feeling like the band is Toismir's exp [as mentioned earlier]? And I'm super lagging behind..just that Audition and the real world is Audition you can cheat to earn fast exp but in real life you cant.

I felt like slapping myself yesterday coz my tongue was super slow..we played Onward Upward and my sound was like "priak priak priak" instead of "tang tang tang" =.= The priak was caused by my tongue and finger works that just cannot coordinate =.= So irritating =.=

Yea sure my fingers are fast enough for Onward Upwards but my tongue is just too slow. I do practise but for some reason it ain't working =.=

What's worse is the news Jon told me and Shi Yun.."Once you guys get your parts I'll shift to Alto 2" and I'm like "What?? Don't go!!"

But I thought through's a fact..eversince the band started playing Onward Upward and Theatre Music, Jon has been covering me and Shi Yun..sure it was good coz we don't get caught..but on Monday when Jon didn't come, it was so obvious coz when he comes, tenor sound can be heard. When he's not there, it feels like there's a hole and the hole is caused by me =.=

He said he wanted to shift coz Alto 2 is rather weak, Meng Hua may not be playing and that causes inbalance in the section. So I just told him how I felt and that at the end of the day, it's his decision and he shall do what's best for the section.

Besides that I was staring at Wei Cheah and Kenneth for awhile thinking "Wouldn't it be nice if I could play well =/"

No idea when's NBC..12th? 13th July? So it's like 15 to 16 days left. I only have 15 or 16 days to make my tongue-ing faster. Not that I can randomly go "tu tu tu" everyday =.= And I still need to do that Human Environmental Planning..


I need my house floor plan!! Any idea how I can get it?? I'm not that good in using the internet to research =X

Anyway I'll end here..I wanna avoid the stress =.=

*** Edit Below done at 9.10pm ***

Yeay Aqidah!! =p

*Ok back to exercising*

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@7:35 PM


Monday, June 16, 2008

Tagged by AQIDAH..Quote: "i chose those pple coz i want them to update their blog. heeeeee!" - thnx arh =p

Rules & Regulations of this quiz is ...

a) people who have been tagged must write their answers on theirblogs & replace any questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

b) tag 6 people to do this quiz & thos who are tagged cannot refuse.These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.

Continue this game by sending it to other people.

Q : If your lover betrayed you, what would be your reaction?
A: I'll kill him! =p Nah..jk..dump him? Ask him get lost? Aiyak..I hate unloyal bastards =D

Q : If you had 3 wishes, what will that be?
A: 1. $$$ I need to pay those people I owe a.s.a.p =.= and also, I'm ready for a new haircut =D 2. I WANT CAR!! Then don't have to worry about "no transport home" =D Then can send my supper clique home after every band prac =D 3. Lastly, I wanna go London Weight Management =.= Shuddup! Don't laugh at me you boronic moron =x

Q : Did you ever think to yourself and wonder if you're really real?
A: Huh? If not real then what? Toy? Should be real la..pinch yourself and feel the pain =D

Q : Are you afraid of what lies ahead of you?
A: hmm..currently what lies ahead(infront) of me is my laptop so..nope..
haha jk..k frankly yup coz right now i'm waiting for internship?? It's damn scary coz I'm a useless IT student..hopeless..seriously..noob =.=

Q : Would you change yourself for the person you love?
A: Right now, I already wanna change for myself know how hard it is to be a lady?? So frustrating! I want to be a lady lor..I mean look at me..I wanna wear ladies shoes, no size..I wanna wear ladies clothes, no size..all I can wear is tshirt and depressing can?? Urgh!! =.= Noone will like me =p

Q : Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
A: More blessed would be being loved by someone..sometimes you love people and get nothing in return also pointless..see my blog url..singlesided-love =p I'm used to it la..I've always been loving someone and getting nothing in return so in malay, people say, dah lali..which means used to it =p

Q : How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
A: err..dunno..the current one is pissing me off..coz I've been trying to forget since last year..everyone knows how love's pissing me off =.= I tell you arh..right now is pointless..I just wanna be friends..but because of this stupid feeling I have for you, I became paranoid..keep thinking you're avoiding me..maybe you are..I dunno..(with the fact yang skarang ni kitorang dah tak rapat)..I HATE MYSELF =.=

Q : If the person you secretly liked is already attached, what would you do?
A: attached lo..i'm still waiting for my heart to let go of this unattached fella anyway =.= I think this is a wrong timing to do such! AQIDAH!! Are you trying to get me?? o.O??

Q : Is there anything that made you unhappy these days?
A: this survey =x Lol! Jk..actually I got no feeling for these survey =x Hmm..lemme see..unhappiness..not yet I guess =x Maybe except when my dad said fat people cannot donate blood o.O Am I supposed to feel lucky or not? O.O I think he lied =x

Q : Do you get butterflies in your stomach whenever you're around the guy/girl you like?
A: Not really..must control the face..must not make things obvious =x

Q : Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head?
A: like now? so irritating =.=

Q : Who are currently most important people to you?
A: eek! so many many..Anisah, Terence, Doreen, Dalston, Supper Clique: Raz, Aqidah, Khairul, Nina, See Hua, Randy, Jolene, Olivia, Qing Hui, Desmond, Zhe Xing, Isaac, Jerome, Jaclyn, Wang Min..Amanda Fong, Matthew, Mark, Wei Zhen err..damn alot..most of the tpband peeps =x Alan Tan, Alvin Ng, Guo Qiang, Azri..WAW people..Jon,Jud,Wenjie,Meng Hua, Weelyn, Mark..all the ex poots and current poots =x Tini, Steph, Huifang,..saxychickyz and lengendary ancient chickens..Vino, Ika, Ubai..alot arh =x

Q : Have you ever wanted someone but you knew you couldn't?
A: happens all the time =p

Q : What's the ideal perfect relationship to you?
A: err..i love u, u love me, we're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you, please tell me you're a virgin too =D

Q : Are you happy with your life?
A: not really..

Q : Would you give all in a relationship?
A: eh..depends..

Q : If you fall in love with 2 persons simultaneously, who would you pick?the lousiest one?OR the better one?
A: stupid question??better la duh!!~

Q : What type of friends do you like?
A: eh..those who don't speak ILL BEHIND me..those who don't BACKSTAB. I seriously cannot stand those who are so nice infront but is the opposite behind sad..cant stand them..*chair please!!* =x

Q : Do you often wish there was something you could change?
A: many many things.

Q : What do you notice when you first meet a guy?
A:! but looks nice also limit limit eye candy only =p

6 people I tagged :

JEROME [please update your blog dude!]
DESMOND [you need to do updating =x]

Gosh look at the time o.O Band time!!~

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@4:44 PM


Sunday, June 1, 2008

I think blogging is a tough job..yet again..

A moment ago I was happy a little..thinking "Woah finally a blogskin which is not black!"

I've been trying to get out of the whole "emo, darkness, dullness" image..I want my blog to be of a lighter colour..a happier environment but I guess being happy is hard..=.=

Since it seems so hard to find a skin that is not black. Worse is, after I had 0.1% editing left, I was told it used to be someone's skin.


Now I have to change all over again before people call me a copycat..I HATE it when people say I'm a makes me hate myself thinking where da heck did my sense of originality go to..

So demoralizing..urgh!! =.=

So anyway my phone is super sick man..I think it really needs to be admitted to Nokia Care General Hospital..again =.= DOTZ!!

How many times do I have to send my phones =.= But nevermind la..needa make full use of!

So dear 5610 XpressMusic has been switching itself on and off throughout the day today =.= I charged it earlier and because it kept switching on and off, I'm charging it again coz it switched on and off till it died =.= For the second time today =.=

Double dotz =.=

Hmm besides that, nothing else. Today was a seriously wasted day. Played audition..not whole day though..I played alot of games today =.=

One of it is called Fashion's one of those downlable games which only has a 60 minutes trial =/

Yes yes..welcome me =p

This was level goes by months..see Feb on the bottom right..level 2 lor..
The game's damn easy. It's just a test of speed. You see the word out of stock, just get the thing from the back and put on the table. It's super similar to Diner Dash =/


Bonus level..that dude is the boss.

Ok June was hard =.= I mean level 6..failed alot of times =x

2nd try for level 6..

Hmm..besides that, watched tv and! Told you I seriously wasted today..still have the cheek to aim for an "A" for DBSY term test which is on Tuesday..tsk..

But anyway I wanna go study now so see ya =p

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@10:50 PM

♥ Fav. Entry.. ♥

Saranghae Jung Mal ♥

♥ Chonun.. ♥

♥Yani Imnida..full name, Hariani.
♥Singaporean strongly hit by the
Korean Wave..

♥Currently Fangirling SS501
[Pronounced as Double S 501] :D

♥ Saranghae Double S OPPAs!! :D ♥

♥ Passion.. ♥

♥ Dance.
♥ Sing.
♥ Photography.
♥ Language.

♥ Wants.. ♥


♥ Lyrics.. ♥




♥ Comments.. ♥

♥ Links.. ♥


♥ History.. ♥

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