

Friday, April 25, 2008

Ait ait..long time no!

Ok today is pretty much loner day. Except morning I guess =x

Left home earlier than planned thanx to mum who was rushing to go pasar =x Ok arh not bad..her reason can help make me reach school earlier =p

So lala in 900 was frowning to myself..I won't say I was emo la..more of reflection..deep thoughts..but I was mostly frowning all the way to TP =x

Saw Azri at Woodlands Interchange..eee..jealous =x Or issit envy? K nvm..either one coz I forgot the difference..for some reason I couldn't understand even after surfing =.=

So anyway, yah..he was queing up for the Shuttle Service from Woodlands Interchange to Ngee Ann Poly.

O.O!!! Why Temasek Poly don't have??? TP has lot's of Woodlands people itself, from what I know got 5 Woodlanders wor..Law Wei, Wei Zhen, me and 2 new freshies Ignatius and Kazaf(My saxy junior =D) then still got my primary schoolmate Salleh, my secondary school mate Syafrin & Hafiz..and my Sem 2.2 classmate Sally..and my IT School friend Yunos.. =x Ouh and this dude who stays next to my block who works at Timezone Causeway Point =x 10 liao lol!

But anyway no point complaining coz when people told me to suggest to TP, I replied "What for? By the time they implement the suggestion(IF they want to), I'll be gone =.="

Lol! True what..I'll be gone in..September? =/

Enough of complains. About today..

Yea, left home earlier than planned..and by right I was early..but things happened by left =/ Buses came but all were packed =.= Waited at the busstop before Safra for 15 minutes. Another packed 23 came but I heck care just squeeze..9.10am already leh..9.15am then must be kiasu =/

Reached class, teacher not there =.= Waited, lalala, Desmond and Rafi came o.O Ooo..Rafi my DBSY Tutorial Group mate =p Lesson ended pretty early coz it was just an Introduction to Human Environmental Planning..lecturer talked and talked and went he mention sketches, I got panic =x

Sketches?? The last time I drew was 3 years ago o.O (You know IT students..we type..we barely write =x) Then immediately smsed Penny but she said floorplans nia..hmm should be ok..but still, because of the fact that people say UIR is "so Hariani", I had half the heart to change CDS =x

He released us at 10.10am or so..then Desmond left the class saying "I think I'm gonna drop this subject la.." Same reason as mine - drawings. LOL!

So went to the ADD/DROP Lab with him and Rafi. Yep. I took a paper too..and chose Using the Internet as a Research Tool..the subject which is said to be "So Hariani" =p Then Desmond said the subject is nice =.= Next time warn me earlier ma..I had the choice seh..Shaw Wen asked then I chose Human Environmental Planning coz I thought UIR is boring T.T

Then Desmond said UIR is about blogging and it's damn slack.


Ok frankly, I don't think I'll get in coz alot of people are queing infront of me..all want if I get it then..oh shyt =.= Forgot to say Bismillah hirahma nirrahim when I put the paper =.=

Ya Allah..if I get this UIR, I'll be the happiest ass ever..Oh Allah how I regret. And yes I'm fickle minded..if Terence finds out I'm still fickle minded and indecisive, he's gonna kill me =x

After submitting our forms, the guys left first coz they have no more lessons while I went to the canteen, bought take away food and went to concourse. Which is my current location. It's 1.05am now..ITPM tutorial & lab is from 2pm to 5pm so I better do my Tutorial! Chaozz..

Oh one more thing..when we were at the ADD/DROP Lab, we saw 3 other Human Environmental Planning classmates and they wanted to drop the CDS! Nice =p

*Private blog updated*

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@1:05 PM


Friday, April 18, 2008

Early this morning I received news from someone which made me feel like I'm in dreamland or I'm actually sleeping and this is just a dream..

But..did what he say happened in real life? Or was it really a dream?

Shuai ge said he tendered his resignation err..I forgot what he said =x At first this blur block was thinking "Tender?? Chicken arh??" =x hee..sorry la..blur >.<

Yea ok then I realise it simply means he's gonna quit his job.

I find it so.. "Huh? Are you fo real? You're kidding right..*pokes* You're kidding right??"

It's not that I want him to stay =x Though since I knew him I always felt like his job is 24/7 and because of the way he works, I hate IT even more coz I wanna! But still..he was kind of my motivation to finish my Diploma..coz back then he told me..

Got problem in database, can ask him. Even Normalization..I was so happy and prepared to retake Database Management and pass it with no supp motivated..

Skali tutor wanna quit IT like that? =(

I'm still dreaming right? =/

Anyway, went to meet Mr Yeak Shaw Wen at 2+pm today coz he asked me to la..he said he called me to come to show what they had planned for me. Ok what.. =p So here's the plan..

Semester 3.1 Block A (aka first term) --> 1 Database Management, 2 Electives (IT Project Management & Healthcare Informatics) & 1 CDS (Human Environmental Planning).

Semester 3.1 Block B (aka after term break) --> 1 Database Management & 1 CDS (Human Environmental Planning) coz Electives are in Block Mode but DBSY and HEnPl isn't. Slack seh two subjects..but still, gotta chiong DBSY coz I don't want Supp Paper..Neh ni neh ni poo poo =x

Semester 3.2 --> Internship followed by Major Project.

I hope Shuai ge can still be my DBSY tutor =/

Anyway, I'M LOVING IT!! I got Healthcare and Human Environmental Planning..what more could I ask for? =p Though I'll be alone in Block B since they'll all be gone for Internship =/ Nevermind arh..better late than never =x

Now I'm damn motivated..that's coz school haven't start..but once it does, I think I'm still gonna slack >.< Back to the roots..tsk.. =x

Brought my freaking laptop to school but it couldn't detect TP's wireless internet =.= Damnit~~

So I'm at level 4 comps area with Aqidah who kind of just! Thanx for willing to come early =x (Homg what kind of sentence was that..was that even gramatically right?? =.=) She told me President's gonna make people who come late stand at a corner O.O eeks! TPBand is geting scarier =x

Well I'll get back to my work..which is actually finding people that have a common break with me..if not, this loner will have to do what she did last takeaway food and eat at a corner alone =x

We'll see..I found none so far..gosh =.=

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@5:09 PM

♥ Fav. Entry.. ♥

Saranghae Jung Mal ♥

♥ Chonun.. ♥

♥Yani Imnida..full name, Hariani.
♥Singaporean strongly hit by the
Korean Wave..

♥Currently Fangirling SS501
[Pronounced as Double S 501] :D

♥ Saranghae Double S OPPAs!! :D ♥

♥ Passion.. ♥

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♥ Sing.
♥ Photography.
♥ Language.

♥ Wants.. ♥


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