
Sunday, March 9, 2008

A point or two.

Firstly, sorry that the pics here are like..erm..maybe they scroll too fast then see not shiok?

It's coz of four main reasons..
1. I've got too many pictures.
2. Since this is a public blog, I don't want my stuff to be kapok - ed.
3. Since I reformated my lappy, I no longer have Macromedia Fireworks (will get it from Ika when school reopens if she doesn't mind) so I can't resize my they are damn huge =/
4. And blogger has a limited size of photos you can upload..wouldn't want to waste them coz I have no idea how long I'll stay with this blog =/

So sorry for the inconvenience caused..but at the end of the slides you can click "View All Images" which will lead you to my unglam slides..though I realise that the pics are kapok - able..but..I also realise if anyone were to kapok from there, the pics are smaller and of lower quality so haha back.

Up to your level of desperateness..

Teach you how many times le..if you like it and you want it, tag me. I'll surely send. I don't mind sharing but I can't stand kapok - must sit..haha lame =.=

And if you're my family member then patiently wait coz you'll get ALL the pics in your inbox =p

Ok before we proceed, I forgot I've got a video for yesterday =p

There you go..Hang Kebun Faizan..

Penang Day 2.

So today is the cousin's wedding..Kak Ati is now married to Abg Maktar..

Tokjah's first cucu(grand daughter) is finally married.. and in fact, her 2nd cucu(grand daughter), Kak Intan is gonna get married this August..god!

Pressure..then left my is my cousin Abgcik..then my! Basket..being an adult is scary =.= Not sure if my family is particular about langkah bendul(for example the younger one marry before the older one) if they are then I'm so toast..though I have to be glad the age gap between me and her next cucu(this time, a grandson) is..6 years o.O

Ok matters behind..I'm still young *ouh please =x*

So here are the photos of the day..warning.. 38 photos in all!!

1 : Kampung life..this is how you hang out your clothes =p
2 : I still cant see the eyeshadow that I applied =.=
3 : My cousin, the bride =D
4 : Cousins Khalid, Siti & Faizan
5 : Cousins Adam, Khalid & Faizan
6 : Adam & Siti
7 : The Bunga Manggar Crew..
8 : Here comes the bridegroom..
9 : And the bride patiently waits..
10: They finally meet..
11: Bunga Manggar crew again
12: On the Pelamin..
13: again..
14: oops..amateur photographer..
15: no comments.
16: The things my cousin gave to Abg Maktar..
17: the couple's bed.
18: The things Abg Maktar gave my cousin.
19: My aunt and uncle with the couple.
20: Lunch.
21: Upclose.
22: Blur.
23: My family.
24: Maksu family.
25: Pakcik family.
26: Papa family & Tok Jah.
27: A combination of 3 families. Papa's family, Maklong's family and my grandma and her siblings =p
28: Maklong family.
29: My grandma (middle) and her siblings.
30: Wedding cake.
31: Siti.
32: Support Barisan Nasional!! BN should have won =.=
33: Check it out..
34: We're in Barcelona! Lol! Barcelona Nasi Ayam o.O
35: The specialty about Penang - Hills.
36: Siti.
37 & 38: They say after scolding a kid, seeing them innocently sleeping at night makes the adult guilty..hmm..

So to sum up my day today, after the wedding my cousin abgcik had to send my cousin Kak Ati's friend to the bus station. So he called me and my sis to come along..well frankly I was still shy..and my sis made me sit infront =.= Wah thanx arh..

Then in my mind I remembered what he told me on friendster before I left Singapore..he say I better not be shy..if not.. =x

So ok..I acted first I avoided eye contact la lol! Talk also talk softly..lalala..just need to get used to!

So after sending Kak Ati's friend, he drove us around..drove past Komtar, Penang Bridge..he says it's always jamm so we didn't go over..we also drove past Pulau Jerajak.. know when a tour guide points something to should mean something to the country right?

I have no idea about Komtar and Pulau Jerajak for Penang =x

Besides that, I'm getting used to jalan ular sawa =p (Frankly there's no such's just something we labelled for this super..err..swirvy road? =.= My english sux =.= All I'm trying to say is that when you drive, you'll have to go left right left right ALOT! =p Like snake wat =.=)

So that's about it =p

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@10:47 PM

♥Penang Day 1.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


That was taken yesterday..

1 : Goodbye Singapore =x
2 : MAS, SIA & Mum
3 : Singapore Airlines
4 : Khalid & Siti
5 : Them again
6 : SQ 198
7 : =D
8 : SQ 198~~
9 : What stare stare??
10: Tried to call Tok Jah before departing but couldn't get through
11: That remote control by the seat
12: The pillow they provided is the same material as my bantal busuk!! *loves* =x
13: Window seat~ =x
14: That mini tv
15: Sunny day
16: If you don't trust abang abang luggage then put your stuff up there or below the seat of the person infront of you =p
17: mini tvs for everybody =x
18: That main tv provides info such as location, altitude, speed, local time and the time at the destination and how much time left before arriving.
19: Another aerial bridge?? Dunno how to spell =x
20: That view from my window seat..
21: Khalid & Siti after completing his Ben10 jigsaw which he got along with the kid's meal in the flight.
22: Stairs lead to our "dorm"
23: My sister on the stairs..
24: My in flight meal..light stuff for an hour long flight =p [Taken using my Samsung S500 is so!]

Brief stuff about last night, we went in the plane at about 6.05pm. Before that tried to call my grandma multiple times but failed..nevermind..she came today!

Regarding the flight, ears pain =( But nice food =p The best part is the pillow my bantal busuk material =x How to!

But apparently my mood was spoilt coz some people made me fuckin pissed, I almost cried =.=

** sorry I do cry when I'm fuming and when my blood is boiling =x **

Please proceed to my private blog (link is under Disclaimer) to read on about what happened last night.

Saturday, 8th March 08.

Eh..the blog notes I left in my phone is pathetic =.= Lol! Just two short notes =.= K nvm lol. So according to my blog note, it says last night I slept with Kak Ati & my sis on Kak Ati's bed..not bad for a first mosquito bites so far =x

And Abgcik brought me and my sis for a wait..I'm not sure about this one =x Nah..I don't think so =x Sorry for the confusion..erhem..

Let's check out the photos taken today =x

1 : Hang Kebun Danial and Faizan..apparently Danial got bitten by red ants O.O
2 : Hang Kebun Khalid joins the crew..
3 : The bags we packed..
4 : and!
5 : View from ze home..
6 : Khalid and Faizan bodyslams Adam(not in pic coz he's below actually =x)
7 : Bunga telor
8 : Siti Hajar
9 : The thing that went on at night..
10: No idea.. =x

OUH!! Ok now I remember =x I don't think abgcik brought us around today coz we were preparing for tomorrow..putting goodies in bags..only some people get the! Tiring ok =x Then at night, I have no idea what is that though =x Some nice food to eat =x Small thing going on..*ok I dunno..this is so not helping*

Err..stay tuned for tomorrow's entry? =x Or you may proceed to read on what the heck got on my nerve last night =/

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@10:39 PM

♥Bon Voyage..

Friday, March 7, 2008

New skin..haha! Back to emo ways..though I find black boring now =x

Temporary? Permanent? Not sure! Heck..will think about it when I get back..nyahaha =x

Eh basket..

How would it feel to be kicked?? You like people using their leg on you??

My bag got feelings too la! How can you ask "Who's bag is this?" and kick my bag?? Damn it..if I put yasin or quran, you're dead man..

So ladies and gentleman NEVER use your leg to kick my bag..if not, the bag will land on your face..(sorry arh..I got short temper..I get angry easily =x)So better don't or there'll be war..


So..I've cleaned the fan in my room, I've packed my bag, I've charged my stuff..cleared my table..(so called)

Updated my blog..kinda..haha!

There are certain things I didn't get to do..sad la..but heck =x No choice..

I think we'll be leaving home soon..

Currently transferring songs to my! So last minute =x

Just didn't get to do something to my nail but nevermind la..people won't really notice right =x

Haiz =(

So anyway, will be going off to get ready..

Don't think I'll have roaming..

Boo!! =x

Sherry, Weiyang.. don't miss me!

Happy Auditioning..but don't gain exp so fast..later I cannot! Goodbye world!! =x

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@12:54 PM


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Was woken up by an sms from someone which I consider weird and funny =p

"You fly already?


Lol! Weird..

So anyway it's tomorrow lah people cant wait for me to leave issit? Weiyang also keep asking me =.= He thought I already went and! Scared miss me arh boy? =x

You'll know which one lah hoh..

The arrival in the one I'll take when I cameback (if my life is long..god's will) is not yet available on Changi Airport! But based on the sms I got from my uncle,

12 Mar SQ 195
Departure Time (Penang): 18:15
Arrival Time (Singapore): 19:40

So yeah..

Ok so anyway, today nothing first didn't wanna go band but since I did make arrangements with some people, I can't cancel last minute right? =x

And I didn't wanna go coz before I leave Singapore tomorrow, I need to clean the fan in my room, pack my bag, blog, put songs in my phone, clear my phone (which I just finished doing), charge camera and phone (which I'm already doing) and clear my table coz I don't want any species to make a nest on it when we're away =.=

So anyway I reached Woodgrove at 5.30pm =x They were having combine so I stayed outside with Azri, Alvin and two trumpet juniors..sec.1s I guess..

By the time we went in the band room, I think Mr. Sim was talking about St. Hilda's concert..issit??

Who's going??

Accompany me!! Wanna go there support forgot who else Randy mentioned =x And if Sanche's performing too then good =D Long time no see him la..

Taken on 22nd July 2006..I told you it's damn!

So wgssbees those going tell me arh..I hope my whole section go..section outing?? =x

They say 15th March is wgssb saxo outing..I hope they are FINALLY!!! lol!

Ouh and band outing is on 11th March..not going coz not in! Even Julio is shocked at my plan..coz he knows I'm coming back on Wednesday night..and Thursday, Friday we've got band!

Busy week huh next week =p And Anisah has yet to date me..Sherry also =x

The highlight of today was when a random tune that came out of a sudden made me thought it was my phone..only to find out it was Terence's phone..which was playing "I don't love you" by My Chemical Romance till Luthfi started Terence =x

And Terence changed the lyrics from "I don't love I did.." to "I don't love you..I never did.." =x

I don't think he means it..or does he? Lol! It's hard to find someone who doesn't love the section..I'm positive that he is lying =x

So you know my comp is finally fine..first thing I did was to download Audition..bahahah!! I'm serious.

Play till so happy..

Ouh by the way me and Weiyang swap accounts! Feel guilty for making his character appear noob =(

And before I slept I told him I'll make his character blink so all he has to do is pass the license and level up..but I was too sleepy so after Sherry's message woke me up, I used his character until it! So happy =x

So are the Audi pics I wanted you to see..

Be warned before focussing on the left..


Lol! The face is already distracting la..but seeing triple made me feel so uneasy..I don't know why =x

Other audi pics for today..

toismir is me and newboyz_ruffera is him..believe??

Well you don't have a choice coz here's the!

Club mode..tsk tsk..toismir eating newboyz_ruffera's hair..bahahah!! =x

Ballroom Dancing..

K fine..can't see our face =x

toismir blinking..bahahah =x

Suddenly..someone came in..


Ouh! And one more thing..I went to Causeway Point with $20..wanted to convert to RM then the money changer said too little coz he only had RM50 which is $23 =.=

I know la I'm just an unemployed student with little can you look down on me? I was expecting pieces of RM10 la but you don't that call money changer? I'm just a much you expect me to collect within 2 weeks?

I tolerated hunger and thirst for nothing seh..sorry people if I don't bring home any souvenirs =(

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@8:42 PM

♥Busy busy..

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Uhuh! Busy day today..went to meet Kai Chin to get Windows XP CD at Paya Lebar MRT..then went to school to meet Dr. Nalaka..walao so happy lah..finally got hero to teach this boon (my new term for noob) how to reformat a darn computer..

I was stuck since Sunday..urgh..but thanx to him, my laptop is off my mind and hopefully I can have a great holiday this weekend =p

Ouh! And I was freezing at concourse la..walao..this kind of weather is most suitable to be used by sleeping the whole day =p

o.O Ok I feel like there's something wrong with the structure of the above sentence o.O

K nvm haha..

And was supposed to meet a group of people..but since I stayed so long in school, by the time I reached Woodlands, they left for home too =p

Better luck next time =p

Ouh by the way, still doing certain things in my laptop..cant download msn live =.= Using desktop's msn now..bahaha =x

Ok enough said. Tired. Bye.

Saranghae Minnie Mal
@10:40 PM

♥Put on that makeup and head of to the gym..

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Ok today is makeup cum gym day lah k..

10am to 12pm
Went for Audrey Quek's Makeup Course..Tini thought it was makeup as in you miss something but you make up for it and she was pretending to put on makeup lastnight..only to find out that this makeup course, IS the makeup thing girls wear on their face =x

So yea..

Can see the makeup?? Nothing much, eye shadow, mascara, lipstick, lip gloss..she taught makeup for interview so yah..

Can see the eye shadow yet??

No more pics..I feel ugly today =x Don't tell me coz I am..coz I know =x

Wokey..gym..1pm postponed to 2.45pm..tardy queens (including me). Left home at! But still, I was the first =.=

Reached and got a call from Vino..or did I call her? Forgot =x

Waited for her as she walked to the gym..then called Pris..she was at her home busstop =.=

Waited for her till my leg cramp =(

Someone tricked the office guy by saying she's below 18 (and apparently the office guy failed his math =x 2008 - 1989 = 19 o.O) So she only paid $1.50 while we paid $2.50 =.= Basket!! Next time call me..I join =x

The only gym photo I've got..Pris got her shoe stuck there o.O

Scary experience..

See this's called a treadmill..Choo Choo Kor just told me =x

You can adjust the incline for the ones in Hougang Gym..and there are several programs for you to follow..I chose Alpine kept going up and suddenly it went up to 9.0 or 11.5..I forgot..walao..scare the crap out of me high for what..steep somemore..I almost fell!

Then just press stop and the thing stayed there (as in it was still steep) so holding on the to bars on the side(so that I won't fall), I switched it on and quickly lowered the! Holy crap.

K after that we decided to take a the pool..


Had to pay $1 to enter =.= waste money =.= The last time I went near a swimming pool was probably in primary!

Then we went back to the gym, do a final one and home sweet home..but before that we went to accompany Vino to return and borrow books. The end.


Saranghae Minnie Mal
@9:53 PM

♥ Fav. Entry.. ♥

Saranghae Jung Mal ♥

♥ Chonun.. ♥

♥Yani Imnida..full name, Hariani.
♥Singaporean strongly hit by the
Korean Wave..

♥Currently Fangirling SS501
[Pronounced as Double S 501] :D

♥ Saranghae Double S OPPAs!! :D ♥

♥ Passion.. ♥

♥ Dance.
♥ Sing.
♥ Photography.
♥ Language.

♥ Wants.. ♥


♥ Lyrics.. ♥




♥ Comments.. ♥

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♥ History.. ♥

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